Jensen & Bugge – Projekt Dialekt

Nr.: GO0610 DVD – År: 2010
Udgiver: GO’ Danish Folk Music

DVD filmoptagelser fra fire forskellige danseaftener: Traditionel musik og dans fra Læsø, Fanø,

To af vore mest rejsende og travle unge danske spillemænd Mette Kathrine Jensen (Harmonika) og Kristian Bugge violin har besøgt nogle af vore traditionsdansere og musikere, hver med deres særegne lokale dialekt. De har besøgt Læsø, Fanø, Vestjylland og Thy.

Disse egne, deres spillemænd og dansere har bidraget til en stor del af Mette Kathrine og Kristians musikalske opdragelse og grundlag for deres nuværende musikalske løbebane og turné-liv.
Det var derfor en meget umiddelbar tanke for Mette Kathrine og Kristian at udvikle og gennemføre dette projekt og således indvige os i deres små oaser, hvor den lokale traditionelle dans og musik har sin helt særegne dialekt.
De har snakket og spillet med bl.a Karl Skaarup, Vagn Dahl Hansen, Kirstine Uhrbrand, Sonnich Lydom, Kenneth Krak, Doris Thygesen, Lilian Vammen og Gitte Vammen.

Ud over deres duo Jensen&Bugge og dette projekt er de hver for sig meget aktive i andre sammenhænge f.eks. Zenobia, Knorifas, Baltic Crossing, Sula, Ronni Kot Wenzell & Kristian Bugge, Habadekuk m.fl. med hvem de også er mange gange nominerede og prismodtagere af Danish Music Award.

Jensen & Bugge:
Mette Kathrine Jensen: Harmonika
Kristian Bugge: Violin

DVD – 4 afsnit:
1. Fanø (18:10)
2. Læsø (19:04)
3. Vestjylland (14:12)
4. Thybal (24:04)

16 s. booklet med info og de lokale medvirkendes fortællinger.
Inkl. ordliste med forklaringer til nogle af “fagudtrykkene”

Engelsk oversættelse og undertekst/subtiles.

Anmeldelse af Eelco Schilder,
“…The last album is a very special DVD from Denmark by Jensen & Bugge called Projekt Dialect. These two young musicians, together with accordion player Mette Kathrine Jensen, organized four dance concerts. Now, that might not sound very interesting, but the way they did this really is. They choose four places in Jutland and organized a Vestjysk, Læsø, Fanø and a Thy concert. Four places who have their own dancing and music style, all Danish but all with their own ‘Dialect’ (Which explains the title of this DVD). They invited eight local musicians who understand the details of the selected region to play with them. The DVD includes some interviews and explanations, which have English subtitles. That helps making this DVD and international interesting document for lovers of the Danish regional folk music and dancing. The recordings itself are a bit amateurish and could easily have been filmed fifty years ago, but they are effective and show what the initiators , musicians and dancers want to express. That’s why I think this is a great DVD with modern fieldwork of two inspired young musicians.”

Fra Chris Nicksons blog,
“Projekt Dialekt
For the first blog entry, it’s not a CD review, but thoughts about a DVD. Mette Kathrine Jensen and Kristian Bugge (collectively known as Jensen & Bugge, an accordion and fiddle duo who perform together regularly) had been working on Projekt Dialekt for quite a long time, and it’s finally seen the light of day.
It’s traditional music and dance from four distinct regions of Denmark – Læsø, Fanø, Vestjylland (West Jutland) and Thy. The dance aspect is every bit as important as the music as different areas have their specific dances, which are perfectly illustrated here. Not in a dry documentary fashion, but from the musicians (with local accompaniment) playing for a night of dancing.
Add to that recollections of dancers (especially charming are Doris Thygesen’s memories of dances on Fanø just after the war) and you have a package that explores a very significant part of Danish music.
Much Danish music (tunes, not songs) is intended for dancing, even in the old notebooks of fiddlers that are the basis for some of the music being made nowadays. Unlike its darker Swedish counterpart this is music for twirling the partner with the head up. Many of the origins lie in 18th century English music, but the tunes themselves develop and take on local flavour, with variances from region to region (and kudos for including the venerable Karl Skaarup playing, as well as Vagn Dahl Hansen, another veteran of dance music, and Sonnich Lydom). There has to be a swing to it to make it danceable. That swing is a common factor internationally, and it’s certainly present here.
The Danish dances aren’t always easy (as I once discovered; Kirstine Sand was an excellent teacher but I was a hopeless pupil), but well-performed they have real grace, and the dancers here obviously love what they’re doing. The truly encouraging part is that a fair number of those out on the floor are young, so the traditions won’t quickly die away.
Project Dialekt is something that’s eminently satisfying. It gives a context for everything, a feel for local history, for time and place. Musically it’s all wonderfully smooth and played with gusto and pleasure. It helps to preserve things, which is no mean feat, and serves as a reminder that traditions are living things, not to be left in museums.”
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