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HABADEKUK Night of Culture Night, Lublin, Poland www.en.warsztatykultury.pl www.habadekuk.dk
HABADEKUK Buxton Opera House www.buxtonoperahouse.org.uk www.habadekuk.dk
HABADEKUK The Knockengorroch World Ceilidh www.knockengorroch.org.uk www.habadekuk.dk
May 26 at 19.30 SKIVE
JENSEN & BUGGE at Kulturhusbåden SVANEN in Skive Habor, Strandvejen 26, 7800 Skive
www.sommerkoncerter.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
HABADEKUK Thorøhuse Forsamlingshus, Drejet 7, 5610 Assens www.thoroehuse.dk www.habadekuk.dk
HABADEKUK at Marjattas Kulturhus, Strandvejen 11, 4733 Tappernøje www.marjatta.dk www.habadekuk.dk
HABADEKUK Folk Roskilde www.folkroskilde.dk www.habadekuk.dk
May 11 at 20.00 AARHUS
JENSEN & BUGGE at Wintercoat, Grønvej 51, 8471 Sabro (near Århus)
www.wintercoat.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
May 10 at 19.00 HOLSTEBRO
JENSEN & BUGGE church concert in Sevel Kirke, Klostervej 1, 7830 Vinderup (between Holstebro and Skive)
www.sevelkirke.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
April 14 at 19.30 SKANDERBORG
IMPULS TRIO in the beautiful Hylke Church, near Skanderborg. www.sogn.dk/hylke www.impulstrio.dk
IMPULS TRIO school concerts for LMS
04. april 09:00-09:45 Koldby Skole, 7752 Snedsted
04. april 12:30-13:15 Østerild Skole, 7700 Thisted
05. april 09:30-10:15 Vindblæs Friskole, 8970 Havndal
05. april 12:15-13:00 Arden Skole, 9510 Arden
06. april 08:35-09:20 Glesborg Skole, 8585 Glesborg
06. april 12:00-12:45 Djurslandsskolen, 8586 Ørum Djurs
07. april 09:30-10:15 Agerskov Skole, 6534 Agerskov
07. april 12:00-12:45 Skærbæk Kommuneskole, 6780 Skærbæk, Sdr J
08. april 10:15-11:00 Fjordskolen, 6200 Aabenraa
08. april 12:10-12:55 Fjordskolen, 6200 Aabenraa
11. april 09:15-10:00 Høje Kolstrup Skole, 6200 Aabenraa
11. april 12:15-13:00 Tinglev Skole, 6360 Tinglev
12. april 10:00-10:45 Lyreskovskolen - afd. Vest, 6330 Padborg
12. april 11:30-12:15 Lyreskovskolen - afd. Vest, 6330 Padborg
13. april 09:00-09:45 Dansborgskolen, 2650 Hvidovre
13. april 10:00-10:45 Dansborgskolen, 2650 Hvidovre
14. april 08:50-09:35 Frydenhøjskolen, 2650 Hvidovre
14. april 09:55-10:40 Frydenhøjskolen, 2650 Hvidovre
www.lms.dk www.impulstrio.dk
April 9 + 10 at 16.00 COPENHAGEN
IMPULS TRIO & ELVERHØJKORET concert in the Kuhlausalen at Lyngby Kulturhus, Klampenborgvej, 2800 Kongens Lyngby.
www.elverhojkoret.dk www.lyngbykulturhus.ltk.dk www.impulstrio.dk
April 1 at 20.00 COPENHAGEN
JENSEN & BUGGE dance night for Folkets Hus Spillefolk at Metronomen, Godthåbsvej 33, 2000 Frederiksberg
www.spillefolk.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
March 31 19.30 KØGE
JENSEN & BUGGE + HØIRUP Concert-dance at Teaterbygningen, Bag Haverne 1, 4600 Køge
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.mortenalfred.com www.koegespillemand.dk
JENSEN & BUGGE school concerts for LMS
29. marts 08:00-09:30 Nr. Søby Skole, 7840 Højslev
30. marts 08:00-09:30 Hem Skole, 7800 Skive
www.lms.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
March 23 19.30-23.00. ODENSE
KENNETH KRAK, KRISTIAN BUGGE & MORTEN ALFRED HØIRUP dance night at Kulturmaskinen, Farvergården 7, 5000 Odense C organized by Folkemusiklauget Fynboerne.
www.fynboerne.dk www.mortenalfred.com
March 18 THY
JENSEN & BUGGE + HØIRUP Concert and dance at Thy Folkemusik, Villerslev Forsamlingshus, Villerslevvej 57, 7755 Bedsted
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.thyfolkemusik.dk www.mortenalfred.com
JENSEN & BUGGE school concerts for LMS
14. marts 10:45-13:30 Tingstrup Skole, 7700 Thisted
15. marts 09:00-10:30 Bagterpskolen, 9800 Hjørring
16. marts 08:00-09:30 Hirtshals Skole, 9850 Hirtshals
17. marts 09:00-11:30 VSD - afd. Lem Skole, 7800 Spøtrup
18. marts 09:00-10:30 Ådalskolen, 7800 Skive
www.lms.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
March 13 at 14.00 AARHUS
JENSEN & BUGGE + HØIRUP AT Musikhust Aarhus, caféscenen. Thomas Jensens Allé, 8000 Aarhus C
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.musikhusetaarhus.dk www.mortenalfred.com
Feb 26 - 28 BORNHOLM
PETER EGET & KRISTIAN BUGGE at the Island of Bornholm. Folk music workshops organized by "Folk og Fæ" and a public church concert in Åkirke Sunday Feb 28 at 19.00.
www.bornfolk.dk www.aa-kirke.dk
Feb 14 - 20 THE MIDWEST, USA
DWIGHT LAMB, JENSEN & BUGGE on tour in the Midwest, USA
Concert and dance at the Danish American Center, 3030 West River Parkway So., MN 55406. www.dac.mn
14TH 2 PM SIOUX CITY LEWIS AND CLARK CENTER 900 Larsen Park Rd, Sioux City, IA 51103 www.siouxcitylcic.com
15TH BLAIR, NEBRASKA 16th & Colfax Street, Blair, Nebraska 68008 www.blairucc.org
18TH SIOUX CITY MCNALLY’S IRISH PUB 7pm, 6211 S Old Village Pl, Sioux Falls, SD 57108 www.mcnallysip.com
19TH ELK HORN, IOWA 5 TO 7 pm AT THE FIRE STATION, 4147 Main St, Elk Horn, IA 51531 www.danishwindmill.com
20TH DECORAH, IOWA 7pm, house concert
www.jensen-bugge.dk Dwight Lamb
3 FIDDLERS, 3 TRADITIONS: Jamie Fox, Ruthie Dornfeld & Kristian Bugge. Emerald City Contra Dance with the Seattle Folklore Society.
www.seattledance.org/contra/emeraldcity www.ruthiedornfeld.com
3 FIDDLERS, 3 TRADITIONS: Jamie Fox, Ruthie Dornfeld & Kristian Bugge koncert Tipper Review Room, 2066 Kingsway, Vancouver, BC, Canada
3 FIDDLERS, 3 TRADITIONS: Jamie Fox, Ruthie Dornfeld & Kristian Bugge house concert in the Central District of Seattle. See more here!
Feb 3 - 7 NORWAY
RETHINK Folk Music camp & Midtvinterdansen in Verdal, Norway.
Jan 14 - 25 USA / CANADA
LYDOM, BUGGE & HØIRUP on tour in the Pacific Northwest:
Thur 14 SEATTLE Lake City Contra Dance www.seattledance.org/contra/lakecity
Fri 15 VANCOUVER Rogue Folk Club www.roguefolk.bc.ca
Sat 16 CHILLIWACK 8:00 pm Bozzini's Restaurant www.bozzinisrestaurant.com
Sun 17 BELLINGHAM 2:00 pm Nancy’s Farm www.nancysfarm.com
Mon 18 POULSBO, Sons of Norway www.poulsbosonsofnorway.com
Tue 19 EVERETT, Nordic Roots and Branches radio show, 7-8:30 pm Pacific Standard Time KSER 90.7 FM & streaming worldwide via www.kser.org
Wed 20 OLYMPIA, house concert
Thur 21 OLYMPIA, 6 – 8 pm Cafe Love www.facebook.com/cafeloveoly
Fri 22 PORT TOWNSEND Tossed Salad radio show, 2:30 - 3:30 pm Pacific Standard Time KPTZ 91.9 FM & streaming worldwide via www.kptz.org
Fri 22 PORT TOWNSEND Quimper Grange, www.quimpergrange.com
Sat 23 SEATTLE workshops, concert, dance! Seattle Folklore Society & Skandia Folkdance Society www.seafolklore.org www.skandia-folkdance.org
Sun 24 TACOMA 2:00 pm Scandinavian Cultural Center, PLU, Tacoma www.plu.edu/scancenter
Mon 25 PORTLAND 7:30 pm Abbie Weisenbloom Productions www.froggie.com
JENSEN & BUGGE teaching the workshop days for folk musicians at the great Snoghøj Højskole near Fredericia.
More info via Dorthe Linde Jørgensen: trut@klarinetten.dk or tel +45 9846 9083
www.spillemandskredsen.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
JAMIE FOX, special guest at Klaverfabrikken, Fredensvej 12A, 3400 Hillerød
Dec 28 at 19.30 ODENSE
JENSEN & BUGGE Christmas dance night in Højby Forsamlingshus, Højbyvej 23, Højby, 5260 Odense S
www.hoejbystaevne.dk www.folkclubfyn.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
Dance night based on the traditions from the region of Thy! Kildegården, Helligkorsvej 5, 4000 Roskilde!
Including Traditional dances from Thy, led by Anders Chr. N. Christensen, the "Mandagsholdet" and dance tunes from Thy by Kristian Bugge and Morten Alfred Høirup.
www.mortenalfred.com www.lirumlarum.dk
Nov 27 at 20.00 MORS
Redsted Sognegård, Vindbakken 10, 7970 Redsted Mors www.jensen-bugge.dk www.mortenalfred.com www.folkclubmors.dk
Nov 26 at 19.00 ODENSE
JENSEN & BUGGE + ANJA PRÆST TRIO double concert at Vollsmose Kulturhus, Vollsmose Allé 14, Odense NØ
www.vollsmose.dk/Kulturhuset.aspx www.jensen-bugge.dk
JENSEN & BUGGE school concerts:
Nov 23 Horsens Byskole, Kildegade afd., 8700 Horsens
Nov 24 Engum Skole, 7120 Vejle Ø
Nov 25 Thyregod Skole, 7323 Give
Nov 26 Søndermarkskolen, 7100 Vejle
Nov 27 Bredsten-Gadbjerg Skole, Bredsten, 7182 Bredsten
www.lms.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
Nov 20 - 21 EDINBURGH
HABADEKUK Scots Fiddle Festival in Edinburgh www.scotsfiddlefestival.com
HABADEKUK Guildhall Arts Centre & Meres Live, St Peters Hill, Grantham, Lincs, NG31 6PZ www.guildhallartscentre.com
BALTIC CROSSING at festival Musiques sous les Embruns 2015 in Port en Bessin, Normandy, France
www.balticcrossing.com www.portenbessin-huppain.fr
Nov 10
JENSEN & BUGGE school concert at Gedved Skole, 8751 Gedved www.lms.dk
Nov 9
JENSEN & BUGGE school concert at Egebjergskolen, 8700 Horsens www.lms.dk
JENSEN & BUGGE + HØIRUP Christmas market at Vingstedcentret near Vejle
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.mortenalfred.com www.vingsted.dk
JENSEN & BUGGE + HØIRUP Hagge's Musik Pub, Vestergade 80, 6270 Tønder www.hagges.dk
www.mortenalfred.com www.jensen-bugge.dk
Nov 3
Gyngen, Mejlgade 53, 8000 Århus C, www.gyngen.dk
JENSEN & BUGGE + HØIRUP celebrating the release of the new CD and tune book with the music from Borcher Madsen (1815 - 1897).
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.mortenalfred.com
Oct 30 at 19.30
MALENE D. BECH, KENNETH KRAK & KRISTIAN BUGGE dance night with trad music from the region of Thy at Teaterbygningen, Bag Haverne 1, 4600 Køge. Organized by Køge Spillemandslaug. www.koegespillemand.dk
Oct 27
JENSEN & BUGGE at the "Musik i Tide" - School Concert Festival in Billund www.jensen-bugge.dk www.musikitide.dk
Oct 21 - 25
Womex in Budapest, Hungary representing Habadekuk www.habadekuk.dk
Oct 8 - 19
JENSEN & BUGGE on tour in the Pacific Northwest, USA and Canada
Thur 8 Portland at Abbie Weisenbloom's www.froggie.com
Fri 9 Trio with Jamie Fox: Phinney dance, Seattle www.seattledance.org/contra/emeraldcity
Sat 10 Skandia workshop in Seattle. (approx 1:00 to 5:00) www.skandia-folkdance.org
Sat 10 Concert at Seattle Folklore Society, Seattle www.seafolklore.org
Sun 11 2pm Nancy’s Farm, Bellingham, www.nancysfarm.com
Tue 13 Norway House (1110 Hillside Avenue, Victoria, Canada
Wed 14 7-9pm Char’s Landing, Vancouver Island, BC www.charslanding.com
Fri 16 Traditions cafe and World Folk Art, 300 5th Avenue SW, Olympia, WA 98501, www.traditionsfairtrade.com
Sat 17 11am Northwest Danish Association, Seattle, www.northwestdanish.org
Sun 18 2pm Concert at the Scandinavian Cultural Center, PLU, Tacoma www.plu.edu/scancenter
Mon 19 Dance night, Scandinavian Cultural Center, PLU, Tacoma
Sep 17 - Oct 3
BALTIC CROSSING on tour in the Midwest, USA
Sep 17th - West Denmark Parish Hall, Luck, WI
Sep 18th - Barron Area Community Center, WI www.thebacc.com
Sep 19th - Northfield Uni., St Olaf College, Buntrock Center, 1500 St Olaf Avenue, Northfield, MN 55057 www.stolaf.edu
Sep 20th 7pm - Red Herring Lounge, Duluth, MN www.redherringlounge.com
Sep 22nd 7pm - Calumet, MI: Calumet Theatre, 340 6th St, Calumet, MI 49913 www.calumettheatre.com
Sep 23rd 8pm - Acorn Coffeehouse, Chicago, IL www.acorncoffeehouse.com
Sep 24th - 25th - Lotusfest in Bloomington, IN www.lotusfest.org
Sep 26th - Chicago, IL: Chicago Spelmanslag 25th anniversary celebration www.facebook.com/pages/Chicago-Spelmanslag
Sep 27th 7pm - Decorah, IA: Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum, 502 W. Water St. Decorah, IA 52101 www.vesterheim.org
Sep 28th - Aitkin, MN: Heimark Farm/Rebecca Heimark, Aitkin, MN
Sep 29th - Oct 3rd - Norsk Høstfest in Minot, ND www.hostfest.com
Sep 10 - 13
3 FIDDLERS, 3 TRADITIONS: Jamie Fox, Ruthie Dornfeld & Kristian Bugge on tour in Montana, USA
* Wednesday Sept 9th 7:30pm Spokane Contra Dance
Spokane Women's Club, 1428 W. 9th Ave, Spokane, WA
* Thursday Sept 10th 7:30pm Missoula Concert
Quaker Church, 861 S 12th St W, Missoula, MT
* Friday Sept 11th 7:30pm Helena Concert
Placer Hotel, 21 North Last Chance Gulch, Suite 105, Helena, MT
* Saturday Sept 12th 9:00am-1:00pm Helena extra concert
Helena Farmers Market, Between Neil Ave and West Placer Ave, Helena, MT
* Sunday Sept 13th 6:30pm Harlem Concert
Harlem High School, 610 1st Ave SE, Harlem, MT 59526
Sep 7 at 19.00
HABADEKUK in Tivoli Vesterbrogade 3, 1630 København (Copenhagen)
www.tivoli.dk www.habadekuk.dk
Sep 5 + 6
JENSEN & BUGGE + HØIRUP at the Mariefestival, Mariehaven, Søndergade 24, 6823 Ansager
www.mariefestival.dk www.mortenalfred.com www.jensen-bugge.dk
Sep 4
JENSEN & BUGGE + HØIRUP at Højbystævnet near Odense, Denmark.
www.hoejbystaevne.dk www.mortenalfred.com www.jensen-bugge.dk
Aug 27 - 30
Tønder Festival representing Folk Danmark and working for RadioFolk.dk
Aug 18 - 23
WENZELL & BUGGE on tour in and around Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
MasterClass e Concerto no Conservatório Brasileiro de Música Horário: 15:00
Concerto na Escola de Música da UFRJ Horário: 19:00
Concerto no Colégio Santo Inácio Horário: 14:30 Endereço: Rua São Clemente, 226 - Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro
Concerto no Centro de Desenvolvimento Criativo "Se essa rua fosse minha" Horário: 19:30 Endereço: Rua Alice, 298 - Laranjeiras, Rio de Janeiro
Concerto no Colégio Pedro II Horário: 11:30 Endereço: Avenida Marechal Floriano, 80 - Centro/Rio de Janeiro
22/08 - SÁBADO
Apresentação na Praça São Salvador Horário: 17:00
23/08 - DOMINGO
Apresentação no Arpoador, Ipanema Horário: 16:00
Aug 9
BALTIC CROSSING Dranouter Festival in Belgium
www.festivaldranouter.be www.balticcrossing.com
Aug 6
HABADEKUK at the great Musik over Præstø Fjord Festival
www.folkemusik.com www.habadekuk.dk
July 24 - 26
3 FIDDLERS, 3 TRADITIONS: Jamie Fox, Ruthie Dornfeld & Kristian Bugge Mission Folk Festival, BC, Canada
www.missionfolkmusicfestival.ca www.ruthiedornfeld.com
July 17
JENSEN & BUGGE Borcher Madsen's 200 years birthday, celebration concert at the Nordlek festival in Viborg, Denmark
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.nordlek2015.dk
July 15
With Danmarks Rigsspillemænd at the Nordlek festival in Viborg, Denmark
www.rigsspillemand.dk www.nordlek2015.dk
July 9 - 12
BALTIC CROSSING at the Kaustinen Festival in Finland
www.kaustinen.net www.balticcrossing.com
June 28 - July 5
LYDOM, BUGGE & HØIRUP at the Festival of American Fiddle Tunes in Port Townsend, Washington, USA.
www.centrum.org www.trad.dk
June 27
HABADEKUK at the GLASTONBURY FESTIVAL, Avalon stage. www.habadekuk.dk www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk
June 18 - 21
JENSEN & BUGGE + HØIRUP "Borcher Madsen festival" on Falster and Lolland! Concerts and workshops around the release of a new CD and tune book with the music from Borcher Madsen (1815 - 1897).
www.mortenalfred.com www.jensen-bugge.dk www.hoejrebyspillemandslaug.wordpress.com
June 14
JENSEN & BUGGE + HØIRUP at Mariehaven, Søndergade 24, 6823 Ansager
www.musikgalleriet.dk www.mortenalfred.com www.jensen-bugge.dk
June 8 at 19.00
BALTIC CROSSING in Tivoli, Vesterbrogade 3, 1630 København (Copenhagen)
www.tivoli.dk www.balticcrossing.com
June 5 - 6
BALTIC CROSSING on the great Halkær Festival, Halkær Kro og kulturhus, Halkærvej 59, Halkær, 9240 Nibe
www.halkaer.dk www.balticcrossing.com
May 11 - 25
JENSEN & BUGGE on tour in the Midtwest, USA. Concerts both as duo and with Dwight Lamb, Chicago, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and more ..
Mon 11 Chicago contra dance
Tue 12 Chicago Fiddle Club, www.drdosido.net/fiddleclub
Wed 13 Racine, WI
School concert 10:20 – 10:55
Pensioneer's home 13-14
7:30 music workshop in Chicago, contact: Tim and Deb Anderson weenooke@sbcglobal.net
Thur 14 8:00pm Shank Hall, Millwaukee www.shankhall.com
Fri 15 Live radio show at "Mud Acres" with host Chris Powers, WORT FM www.wortfm.org
7:30 Folklore Village, 3210 County Road BB, Dodgeville, WI 53533 www.folklorevillage.com
Sat 16 11.00 am music workshop in Madison, contact Dan Lippitt 608-226-0427 dhlippitt@gmail.com
Sun 17 Danebo 3030 West River Parkway, Minneapolis
Music workshop, noon – 1:30 / $15.00
Concert and dance, 2pm – 3:30 / $15.00
Both: $25.00
Bonus event: Thy dance workshop from 8pm – 10pm
2-couple set dances from they north of Jutland. No charge!
Mon 18 World Exposure with Cher Dial, KFAI radio, Minneapolis
House concert
7:30 pm – 9:30 pm at Chris & Sarah's, in Mendota Heights
Tue 19 8 p.m. House concert at Becky & Gary Heimark's farm, rural Aitkin, Mn. Contact: Rebecca Heimark rheimark@outlook.com tel 218 927 6557
Wed 20 House concert in Nisswa, MN. Contact: Contact/reservations: Paul Wilson, tel 218 764 2994 pwilson@brainerd.net
Thur 21 Northfield, The Contended Cow, 302B Division St S, Northfield, MN 55057, www.contentedcow.com
Fri 22 Viborg South Dakota w Dwight Lamb
Sat 23 Tivoli Fest, Elk Horn, Iowa w Dwight Lamb
Sun 24 Sioux City w Dwight Lamb
Dwight Lamb info here!
May 8 - 10
BALTIC CROSSING at the Folk Baltica Festival in Southern Denmark and Northern Germany.
www.balticcrossing.com www.folkbaltica.de
April 30 - May 3
HABADEKUK Shetland Folk Festival www.shetlandfolkfestival.com www.habadekuk.dk
April 25 at 21.00
LYDOM, BUGGE & HØIRUP concert at Cafe Blågårds Apotek, Blågårds Plads 2, 2200 København N
www.kroteket.dk www.facebook.dk/traddk
April 24 at 19.30
JENSEN & BUGGE + HØIRUP dance night with the music from Borcher Madsen (1815 - 1897). Teaterbygningen, Bag Haverne 1, 4600 Køge. Organized by Køge Spillemandslaug. www.koegespillemand.dk
April 22 at 19.00
JENSEN & BUGGE church concert in Koed Kirke, Tornhøjvej 15 A, Koed, 8560 KOLIND on Djursland. Organized by Musikdrevet.
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.musiklarsthyrre.dk
April 17 at 19.30
MALENE D. BECH, KENNETH KRAK & KRISTIAN BUGGE dance night with trad music from the region of Thy at Kulturmaskinen, Farvergården 7, 5000 ODENSE C. Organized by Fynboerne. www.fynboerne.dk
April 16 at 19.00
IMPULS TRIO i Roslev Kirke, Kirkebakken 21 A, 7870 Roslev (about 15 km north of Skive) www.impulstrio.dk
April 13 - 17
IMPULS TRIO school concerts for LMS.
Apr 13 08:35-09:20 Kildebakken, 3770 Allinge
Apr 13 12:05-12:50 Skole Nord afd. Kongeskærsskolen, Allinge, 3770 Allinge
Apr 14 09:45-10:30 Peterskolen S/I, 3700 Rønne
Apr 14 12:10-12:55 Rønneskolen afd. Søndermark, 3700 Rønne
Apr 15 08:45-09:30 Ådalens Privatskole, 2635 Ishøj
Apr 15 12:10-12:55 Holmebækskolen, 4681 Herfølge
Apr 16 08:45-09:30 Højslev Skole, 7840 Højslev
Apr 16 10:50-11:35 Ørslevkloster Skole, 7840 Højslev
Apr 17 08:15-09:00 Nr. Søby Skole, 7840 Højslev
Apr 17 10:45-11:30 Fursund Skole, 7870 Roslev
www.lms.dk www.impulstrio.dk
April 7 at 20.00
MORTEN ALFRED HØIRUP (guitar) & KRISTIAN BUGGE (violin) dance night in Det Ottekantede Forsamlingshus, Poulsen Dalsvej 7, 7950 Erslev on the Island of Mors
April 1 at 19.30
JENSEN & BUGGE dance night at Kulturmaskinen, Farvergården 7, 5000 ODENSE C. Organized by Fynboerne.
www.fynboerne.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
March 22 at 15.00
JENSEN & BUGGE dance-concert at Musikhuzet in Rønne, Bornholm
www.musikhuzet.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
March 20 - 22
JENSEN & BUGGE on the Island of Bornholm, workshops at the music school and with the local group Folk og Fæ
March 1 at 15.00
General meeting in the Danish folk music organisation Folk Danmark at Det Bruunske Pakhus, Kirkestræde 3, 7000 Fredericia. www.folkdanmark.dk
Feb 28
Big birthday celebration with Thy Folkemusik including workshopin music local trad from Thy and Fanø and a big concert and dancing in the evening!
Musicians: Morten Alfred Høirup, Tove de Fries, Mette Kathrine Jensen, Malene Beck, Sonnich Lydom and Kristian Bugge.
Feb 27
Danmarks Rigsspillemænd. Award Ceremonies and Celebration Concert, Dronningesalen, Sorte Diamant, Copenhagen www.rigsspillemand.dk
Feb 23 - 27
IMPULS TRIO school concerts for LMS.
Feb 23 08:35-09:20 Humlehøj-Skolen, 6400 Sønderborg
Feb 23 12:05-12:50 Nydamskolen, 6400 Sønderborg
Feb 24 08:30-09:15 Højmarkskolen, 6670 Holsted
Feb 24 10:25-11:10 Brørupskolen, 6650 Brørup
Feb 24 11:45-12:30 Brørupskolen, 6650 Brørup
Feb 25 08:50-09:35 Bække Skole, 6622 Bække
Feb 25 12:00-12:45 Gesten Centralskole, 6621 Gesten
Feb 26 08:30-09:15 Nim Skole, 8740 Brædstrup
Feb 26 11:00-11:45 Dagnæsskolen, 8700 Horsens
Feb 27 08:45-09:30 Brædstrup Skole, 8740 Brædstrup
Feb 27 10:00-10:45 Brædstrup Skole, 8740 Brædstrup
www.lms.dk www.impulstrio.dk
Feb 18 at 19.30
MORTEN ALFRED HØIRUP & KRISTIAN BUGGE plying a set of traditional music from the region of Thy at the great weekly Wednesday dance by Lirum Larum in Roskilde.
www.mortenalfred.com www.lirumlarum.dk
Feb 12
HABADEKUK Huset, Hasserisgade 10, 9000 Aalborg www.huset.dk www.habadekuk.dk
Feb 7 at 19.30 - 23.30
JENSEN & BUGGE playing for the dance night to support the great Højbystævnet! Allerup Forsamlingshus, Allerup Bygade 48, Allerup, 5220 Odense. Entrance DKK 150,- All the income goes to Højbystævnet!
www.hoejbystaevne.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
Feb 6
JENSEN & BUGGE dance night at Thing House, Kongevejen 35, Jegindø, 7790 Thyholm
2. - 5. feb
JENSEN & BUGGE school concerts for LMS in Southern Jutland.
Feb 2 Ahlmann-Skolen, 6400 Sønderborg
Feb 3 Varnæs Skole, 6200 Aabenraa
Feb 4 Nørreskov-Skolen, 6430 Nordborg
Feb 5 Gråsten Skole, 6300 Gråsten
www.lms.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
Jan 31
HABADEKUK live at the "Odense Live Pris" together with The White Album and Phønix! Musikhuset Posten, Østre Stationsvej 35, 5000 Odense C
www.postenlive.dk www.habadekuk.dk
Jan 25 at 15.00
HABADEKUK VinterFolk PUBLIC Concert, at Vejlby Skole, Vikærsvej 36, 8240 Risskov (Århus) www.facebook.com/vinterfolk www.aarhus2017.dk
Jan 23 - 25
HABADEKKUK VinterFolk Workshops at Vejlby Skole, Vikærsvej 36, 8240 Risskov (Århus) www.facebook.com/vinterfolk www.aarhus2017.dk
Jan 1 - 4
JENSEN & BUGGE teaching the workshop days for folk musicians at the great Snoghøj Højskole near Fredericia.
More info via Dorthe Linde Jørgensen: trut@klarinetten.dk or tel +45 9846 9083
www.spillemandskredsen.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
Dec 30
"CHRISTMAS-BOA" AND OPEN STAGE at Klaverfabrikken in Hillerød. Guest of the year: Kristian Bugge - fiddle
Dec 27
HABADEKVARTET: PETER EGET (accordion), RASMUS FRIBO (saxophone), SØREN LUND (double bass) & KRISTIAN BUGGE (fiddle) dance night in Bjergsted Forsamlingshus, Gammel Skovvej 1 A, Bjergsted, 4470 Svebølle
Dec 7 at 14.00
JENSEN & BUGGE Gladsaxe Hovedbibliotek, Søborg Hovedgade 220, 2860 Søborg
www.gladbib.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
Nov 29 at 20.00
Danish Music Awards Folk 2014 at Copenhagen Jazzhouse. "An award celebration with dancing, in the spirit of folk music!!" On stage with the DMA Allstars this year led by Kristian Bugge and with Morten Alfred Høirup, Mette Kathrine Jensen, Sonnich Lydom, Anders Ringgaard and Malene Daniels Beck. JENSEN & BUGGE was nominated as "Musicians of the Year"!
HABADEKUK was nominated AND received the awards for both "Album of the Year" and in the prestigious "Traditions Award of the Year"!
www.folkdanmark.dk www.habadekuk.dk - Hear a taste of the DMA Folk Allstars Dance Band here!
Nov 28 at 19.30
JENSEN & BUGGE with VAGN DAHL HANSEN dance night by Køge Spillemænd at Teaterbygningen, Bag Haverne 1, 4600 Køge
Nov 27
JENSEN & BUGGE + HØIRUP Oslo Folk, Norway
www.oslofolk.blogspot.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk www.mortenalfred.com
Nov 19
HABADEKUK Lakeside Arts Nottingham, England www.lakesidearts.org.uk
Nov 8
HABADEKUK Musikforeningen Drauget, double concert with Himmerland. www.drauget.dk
Oct 28 - Nov 7
BALTIC CROSSING on tour in Denmark
Tues 28 Musikforeningen Drauget www.drauget.dk
Wed 29 Folk Club Fyn, Odense www.folkclubfyn.dk
Thurs 30 Marjatta, near Præstø www.marjatta.dk
Fri 31 Toreby Forsamlingsgård, Lolland www.hoejrebyspillemandslaug.wordpress.com
Sat 1 nov Thorøhuse Forsamlingshus v Assens www.thoroehuse.dk
Sun 2 Sønderho, Fanø www.folkinvest.net
Tues 4 Folk Club Mors www.folkclubmors.dk
Wed 5 Viborg Musiksal, www.musikogteater.viborg.dk
Thurs 6 Hotel Thinggaard, Jernbanegade 5, 7760 Hurup Thy www.thyfolkemusik.dk
Fri 7 Klaverfabrikken in Hillerød www.klaverfabrikken.dk
Sat 8 Andy & Kristian workshops at Klaverfabrikken's festival www.klaverfabrikken.dk
Oct 22 - 26
Womex in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain
Oct 1 - 4
HABADEKUK tour in Normandy, France
Oct 1st: Condé sur Vire
Oct 3rd: Saint Sauveur Lendelin
Oct 4th: Quettehou
Sep 28 at 14.00
JENSEN & BUGGE church concert, Gundersted Kirke, Høeg Hagens Vej 5, 9240 Nibe
Sep 27
JENSEN & BUGGE workshop during the day and dance in the evening at Det Bruunske Pakhus, Kirkestræde 3, 7000 Fredericia
www.bruunskepakhus.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
Sep 26
JENSEN, BUGGE & HØIRUP Thybal Hørdum Kro in Thy, Northern Jutland. First dinner, then dancing. Reserve tickets to the dance at: oschlag@post.tele.dk or Tel +45 2819 6043. www.thyfolkemusik.dk www.mortenalfred.com www.jensen-bugge.dk
Sep 23
JENSEN & BUGGE School concert showcase for LMS in Aarhus
www.lms.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
Sep 19 at 20.00
HABADEKUK Atlas, Vester Allé 15, 8000 Aarhus C. Workshop and jam session after the concert from 22-01.00 www.atlasaarhus.dk
Sep 7 - 17
BALTIC CROSSING on tour in Finland!
* 7.-8.9. Oulu Music Centre
* 9.9. Kokkola
* 10.9. Kaustinen
* 11.9. Seinäjoki
* 12.9. 19:00 Kerava Cafe Intro, Paasikivenkatu 4, Kerava
* 13.9. Ritvala - sold out gig!
* 14.9. Koski TL
* 17.9. Helsinki
Sep 3 - 7
PETER EGET & KRISTIAN BUGGE (HabadeDuo) Windros Festival, Schwerin, Germany
Sep 5 at 22.30
HABADEKVARTET: PETER EGET (accordion), RASMUS FRIBO (saxophone), SØREN LUND (double bass) & KRISTIAN BUGGE (fiddle) dance night at Højbystævnet near Odense
Sep 2 at 20.00
LYDOM, BUGGE & HØIRUP Folk For Folk in Svendborg, www.folkforfolk.dk www.facebook.com/traddk
Aug 28 - 31
TØNDER FESTIVAL - celebrating 40 years!, Denmark www.tf.dk
Aug 24 at 7 PM
3 fiddlers, 3 traditions - Ruthie Dornfeld, Jamie Fox and Kristian Bugge House concert in Bellingham, WA. The address is: 4346 King Mountain Road
Reservations: judylaub@juno.com or (206) 235-3715
Aug 8
13.00 dance workshop in Sønderhoning with Henrik Larsen
21.00 Thy dance night with Morten Alfred Høirup
www.mortenalfred.com www.folkemusik.com
Aug 6 - 8
Summer university workshop at Musik over Præstø Fjord
Smidstrupvej 69, 4733 Tappernøje, Denmark. www.folkemusik.com
Aug 4
HABADEKUK Sidmouth Folk Week, England www.sidmouthfolkweek.co.uk
Aug 3
HABADEKUK Cambridge Folk Festival - celebrating 50 years!, England www.cambridgefolkfestival.co.uk
July 26 + 27
HABADEKUK Warwick Folk Festival, England www.warwickfolkfestival.co.uk
July 25
KORRÖ FOLKMUSIKFESTIVAL, Sweden - celebrating 30 years! www.korrofestivalen.se
Barnens Egen Korröfestival: 14.00 JENSEN & BUGGE, 15.00 JENSEN & BUGGE
Logen 19.15 KINGS OF POLKA
Restaurangscenen 23.00 HABADEKUK
July 24
HABADEKUK Global Garden Party, Skovsgård Hotel, Hovedgaden 26, 9460 Brovst www.brovstmusik.dk
July 19
HABADEKUK Het Lindeboom Festival, France www.het-lindeboom.org
July 18
PETER EGET & KRISTIAN BUGGE (HabadeDuo) Sounds of the North Festival, Gdansk, Poland
July 4 at 19.30
HABADEKUK Skagen Festival in Skagen Kultur- & Fritidscenter, Kirkevej 19, 9990 Skagen www.habadekuk.dk www.skagenfestival.dk
July 4 at 15.00
JENSEN & BUGGE Skagen Festival in Skagen Kirke, Ved Kirken 2, 9990 Skagen www.skagenfestival.dk a tune on video here! + a seria of pictures here!
HABADEKUK release concerts celebrating the new album "Kaffepunch":
* May 28 Gyngen, Mejlgade 53, 8000 Aarhus www.gyngen.dk
* May 29 Folk Fantastiq Festival Borgerforeningen in Svendborg
* May 30 Thorøhuse Forsamlingshus, Drejet 7 5610 Assens, www.thoroehuse.dk
* May 31 Global Cph, Nørre Allé 7, 2200 København N www.globalcph.dk
* June 1 Det Gamle Værft, Ærøskøbing Havn 4, 5970 Ærøskøbing www.detgamlevaerft.dk
May 24 20.00
HABADEKUK at Kultur-Gulfhof-Freepsum, Germany www.landkultur-freepsum.de
May 23 at 19.30
HABADEKUK in Westerstede. "Rhode concert", Germany www.rhodo.de
May 13 - 20
JENSEN & BUGGE on tour in the Midwest, USA
* Tuesday 13th 7pm Northfield Contended Cow, 302 Division St S, 55057 www.contentedcow.com
* Wednesday 14th Minneapolis Concert & dance at Danebo, 3030 West River Parkway South www.dac.mn
* Thursday 15th Sioux Falls McNally's Irish Pub, 6211 S Old Village Pl, SD 57108, Opening act: Sioux Falls Ceili Band www.mcnallysip.com
* Saturday 17th Viborg South Dakota Danish Brotherhood Society. Dinner at 6 and music at 7 opening act is Fiddler Nelson!
* Sunday 18th 2pm Sioux City Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center, 900 Larsen Park Rd, Sioux City, IA 51103
* Monday 19th 7pm Elk Horn, Danish Countryside Vines and Wines, 1425 Littlefield Drive, Exira, Iowa 50076 www.danishcountrysidevinesandwines.com
* Tuesday 20th Onawa Shelter in the Park, Iowa cd release party and music and dancing!!!
May 12 at 19.00
JENSEN & BUGGE in Tivoli, Copenhagen
www.tivoli.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
May 11 at 19.30
JENSEN & BUGGE & HØIRUP at the Højskolen in Marielyst, Bøtøvej 2, 4873 Væggerløse
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.mortenalfred.com www.hojskolenmarielyst.dk
HABADEKUK release concerts:
* April 29 at 19.00
"Dansens Dag" SG Husets Foyer, Ryttervej 70, 5700 Svendborg www.dansensdag.dk
* April 30 at 19.00
The new culture house on Marjatta, Strandvejen 15, 4733 Tappernøje near Præstø www.marjatta.dk
* May 1 at 20.00
Fermaten, Smallegade 4, 7400 Herning www.fermaten.dk
* May 2 at 16.00-16.35
Spot Festival in Århus. SPOT ROYAL scenen "SPOTonFOLK"! www.spotfestival.dk
April 26
Folk music workshop with the Copenhagen choir Paradox.
April 25 at 19.30
PETER EGET (accordion), RASMUS FRIBO (saxophone), SØREN LUND (double bass) & KRISTIAN BUGGE (fiddle) dance night at Teaterbygningen in Køge.
April 23 at 19.30
IMPULS TRIO in Skibbinge Church, Ronesbanke 19, 4720 Præstø
www.praestokirke.dk www.impulstrio.dk
IMPULS TRIO LMS school concert tour:
April 22. 09:00-09:45 Gåsetårnskolen, afd. Ørslev, 4760 Vordingborg
April 22. 11:30-12:15 Gåsetårnskolen, afd. Islinge, 4760 Vordingborg
April 23. 09:00-09:45 Kulsbjerg Skole, afd. Mern, 4735 Mern
April 23. 11:30-12:15 Svend Gønge-skolen, afd. Bårse, 4720 Præstø
April 24. 09:30-10:15 Kompecencecenter Kalvehave, 4771 Kalvehave
April 24. 12:00-12:45 Møn Skole afd. Fanefjord, 4792 Askeby
April 25. 09:00-09:45 Møn Skole afd. Stege, 4780 Stege
April 25. 11:30-12:15 Møn Skole afd. Hjertebjerg, 4780 Stege
- everybody curious is welcome to come by, sneak in and listen!
www.impulstrio.dk www.lms.dk
April 10 - 20
BALTIC CROSSING on tour in the UK
10/4/ Monks Kirby Village Hall, Warwickshire
11/4/ Ansley Village Church Hall, Warkwickshire
12/4/ Alstonefield Memorial Hall, Derbyshire
15/4/ Embleton Village Hall, Northumberland
17/4/ Bury Met, Lancashire www.themet.biz
19/4/ The Sage Gateshead, Tyne & Wear www.sagegateshead.com
April 5. april
JENSEN & BUGGE dance night at Hillerødgades Skole, Ørholmgade 8, 2200 København N
Organized by Københavns Folkemusikhus, www.kfmh.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
March 5 - April 4
On tour in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Gigs with Ruthie Dornfeld and Jamie Fox
March 9 13.00 workshop and 19.00 house concert, Madrona neighborhood, Seattle
March 14 at 20.00 koncert at the Bread Peddler in Olympia, www.breadpeddler.com SOLD OUT!
March 16. marts at 19.30 house concert in Portland, www.abbiegw.wordpress.com
March 21 Salt spring Island, Canada with Jamie Fox and Nellie Quinn
March 22 Spring Equinox Ball with Jamie Fox at the Scandinavian Community Centre, Burnaby, Canada www.vcn.bc.ca/scandi
April 3 at 20.00 dance night at Lake City Contra/Old Time Country Dance www.seattledance.org/contra/lakecity
March 1
HABADEKUK & JENSEN & BUGGE with TRIAS at Thybo Biler's exhibitions hall, Hjulmagervej 2-6, 7700 Thisted, organized by Thy Folkemusik
www.habadekuk.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk www.triasmusic.dk
Feb 24 at 19.30
JENSEN OG BUGGE at Musikforeningen Polyfon in Ans Idræts- og Kulturcenter, Ans Søpark 30, 8643 Ans By
www.polyfonmusik.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
Feb 18 at 19.30
PETER EGET (accordion), RASMUS FRIBO (saxophone), SØREN LUND (double bass) & KRISTIAN BUGGE (fiddle) playing for a dance night in Snoldelev Sognegård, Snoldelev Bygade 21, 4621 Gadstrup
Feb 7 at 19.30
PETER EGET (accordion), RASMUS FRIBO (saxophone), SØREN LUND (double bass) & KRISTIAN BUGGE (fiddle) playing for a dance night at Kulturmaskinen in Odense by Folkemusiklauget Fynboerne www.fynboerne.dk
Feb 4 at 19.30
HØIRUP, LYDOM & BUGGE Østerby Kirke, Østerbyvejen 77, 9940 Læsø
www.laesoekirker.dk Hear a little taster here!
Feb 1 at 19.30
MORTEN ALFRED HØIRUP & KRISTIAN BUGGE, dance night at Hillerødgades Skole, Ørholmgade 8, 2200 København N
Organized by Københavns Folkemusikhus, www.kfmh.dk www.mortenalfred.com
Jan 28 at 19.30
HØIRUP, LYDOM & BUGGE Hørve Medborgerhus, Nørregade 14, 4534 Hørve. Organizer: Musikforeningen Drauget
www.drauget.dk Hear a little taster here!
Jan 19 at 19.00
JENSEN & BUGGE in Nylars Church on Bornholm
Jan 19 at 14.00
JENSEN & BUGGE at Musikhuzet in Rønne, Bornholm
www.musikhuzet.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
Jan 17, 9pm
HABADEKUK at Celtic Connections, Glasgow, Scotland. Double concert with the Treacherous Orchestra!
Jan 10-12
BALTIC CROSSING at Folklandia Festival, Helsinki - Tallinn (Finland-Estonia)
www.sottiisi.net/index.php/folklandia www.balticcrossing.com
Jan 9-12
HABADEKUK at Folklandia Festival, Helsinki - Tallinn (Finland-Estonia)
www.sottiisi.net/index.php/folklandia www.habadekuk.dk
Jan 1-4
JENSEN & BUGGE teaching the workshop days for folk musicians at the great Snoghøj Højskole near Fredericia.
More info via Dorthe Linde Jørgensen: trut@klarinetten.dk or tel +45 9846 9083
www.spillemandskredsen.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
Sunday December 29 at 15.00
HØIRUP, LYDOM & BUGGE double concert with Fromseier Hockings at Copenhagen Folk Club. Metronomen, Godthåbsvej 33, 2000 Frederiksberg.
www.folkclub.dk Hear a little taster here!
Saturday December 28 at 20-24
MALENE D. BECK, KENNETH KRAK & KRISTIAN BUGGE, dance night in Højby Forsamlingshus, Højbyvej 23, Højby, 5260 Odense S.
Organized by Højbystævnet. www.hoejbystaevne.dk
JENSEN & BUGGE in Canada:
Nov sat 30 with Nellie Quinn, Ukrainian Hall, 3277 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC, V8Z 3K9
Dec tues 3 workshop Vancouver Scandinavian center
Dec wed 4 Vancouver concert + dance, Scandinavian center, www.scandinaviancentre.org
Nov 9 at 18.00
MORTEN ALFRED HØIRUP & KRISTIAN BUGGE Dance night at Hørdum Kro in Thy. Starting with dinner, dancing after that. The fastest can reserve a room at the legendary Hørdum Kro, tel: +45 9793 6307. More info and reservation of tickets: oschlag@post.tele.dk or tel. +45 2819 6043.
JENSEN & BUGGE LMS school concert tour:
Nov 04 09:00-09:45 Avedøre Skole, 2650 Hvidovre
Nov 04 10:00-10:45 Avedøre Skole, 2650 Hvidovre
Nov 05 09:00-09:45 Holmegårdsskolen 2650 Hvidovre
Nov 05 11:00-11:45 Engstrandskolen, 2650 Hvidovre
Nov 06 08:45-09:30 Holmebækskolen, 4681 Herfølge
Nov 06 10:00-10:45 Holmebækskolen, 4681 Herfølge
Nov 06 12:00-12:45 Alkestrupskolen, 4682 Tureby
Nov 07 08:45-09:30 Asgård Skole, 4600 Køge
Nov 07 09:50-10:35 Asgård Skole, 4600 Køge
Nov 08 08:45-09:30 Pilegårdsskolen, 2770 Kastrup
Nov 08 10:55-11:40 Nordregårdsskolen, 2770 Kastrup
www.lms.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
Oct 31 at 16.00
HØIRUP, LYDOM & BUGGE "Spil Dansk Dag" at Hillerød Bibliotek, Christiansgade 1, 3400 Hillerød more info here!
JENSEN & BUGGE LMS school concert tour:
Oct 28 09:10-09:55 Bakkevejens Skole, 6740 Bramming
Oct 28 10:30-11:15 Bakkevejens Skole, 6740 Bramming
Oct 29 09:00-09:45 Rørkjær Skole, 6700 Esbjerg
Oct 29 10:00-10:45 Rørkjær Skole, 6700 Esbjerg
Oct 30 09:15-10:00 Sønderrisskolen, 6710 Esbjerg V
Oct 30 10:35-11:20 Sønderrisskolen, 6710 Esbjerg V
Oct 31 09:00-09:45 Østerbyskolen, 6600 Vejen
Oct 31 10:05-10:50 Østerbyskolen, 6600 Vejen
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.lms.dk
Oct 29 20.00
JENSEN & BUGGE at WinterCoat, Grønvej 51, 8471 Sabro, tel +45 8619 6660
www.wintercoat.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
Oct 23 - 27
WOMEX in Cardiff, Whales, representing Habadekuk at the big world music expo!
www.womex.com www.habadekuk.dk
Oct 7 at 09:45-10:15 + kl. 11:30-12:00
IMPULS TRIO school concerts at the Musik i Tide Festival (Europe's biggest festival for school concerts!
Lille Næstved Skole - Gym./auditorium, 4700 Næstved
www.musikitide.dk www.impulstrio.dk
Oct 5
KARL SKAARUP's 85 years anniversary as active musician!
Join Thy Folkemusik in the celebrations of Karl Skaarup's 85 years as active musician! It's avery special event in honor of a very special musician, it will be celebrated with a big concert for and with Karl Skaarup in the famous and beautiful Vestervig Church at 15.00. Afterwards from around 18.00 there will be a festive dinner and dance night at the Hørdum Kro!
More info: Jakob Oschlag (Thy Folkemusik), tel +45 28196043 oschlag@post.tele.dk
Oct 4 at 18.00
JENSEN & BUGGE BAND at Toreby Forsamlingsgård, Torebyvej 46, 4891 Toreby, Lolland. Dinner at 18.00, concert 19.30 - 22.00
Mette Kathrine Jensen: accordion, Kristian Bugge: fiddle, Morten Alfred Høirup: guitar and vocal, Bjarke Kolerus: clarinet, Thomas Hedegaard: double bass
Oct 3 at 20.00
HABADEKUK hos Folk Roskilde, Gimle, Helligkorsvej 2, 4000 Roskilde
www.folkroskilde.dk www.habadekuk.dk
IMPULS TRIO LMS school concert tour:
Sep 30 08:45-09:30 Holsted Skole, 4700 Næstved
Sep 30 09:45-10:30 Holsted Skole, 4700 Næstved
Oct 01 08:45-09:30 Herlufmagle Skole, 4160 Herlufmagle
Oct 02 08:45-09:30 Eskilstrup Skole, 4863 Eskilstrup
Oct 02 10:55-11:40 Nørre Alslev skole, 4840 Nørre Alslev
Oct 03 08:45-09:30 Sakskøbing Skole, 4990 Sakskøbing
Oct 03 10:55-11:40 Møllebakkeskolen, 4800 Nykøbing F
- everybody curious is welcome to come by, sneak in and listen!
www.impulstrio.dk www.lms.dk
Sep 29 at 12.30
Harvest celebration in Mariendal Kirke, Nitivej 17, 2000 Frederiksberg with RASMUS FRIBO (sax) and PETER EGET (accordion)
Sep 28 at 20.00
IMPULS TRIO i BJERGSTED FORSAMLINGSHUS, Gl. Skovvej 1 A, Bjergsted, 4470 Svebølle
www.bjergstedbal.dk www.impulstrio.dk
Sep 27 at 19.30
IMPULS TRIO at Audonicon, Grønnedalsvej 14, 8660 Skanderborg
www.audonicon.dk www.impulstrio.dk
IMPULS TRIO LMS school concert tour:
Sep 23 08:30-09:15 Langebjergskolen, 3050 Humlebæk
Sep 23 10:50-11:35 Nivå Skole, Syd, 2990 Nivå
Sep 24 09:00-09:45 Humlebæk Skole, 3050 Humlebæk
Sep 24 10:00-10:45 Humlebæk Skole, 3050 Humlebæk
Sep 25 09:00-09:45 Avedøre Skole, 2650 Hvidovre
Sep 25 10:00-10:45 Avedøre Skole, 2650 Hvidovre
Sep 26 09:30-10:15 Kirkebækskolen, 2625 Vallensbæk
Sep 26 12:10-12:55 Engstrandskolen, 2650 Hvidovre
Sep 27 08:30-09:15 Løjtegårdsskolen, 2770 Kastrup
Sep 27 09:45-10:30 Løjtegårdsskolen, 2770 Kastrup
www.impulstrio.dk www.lms.dk
Sep 25 at 19.30
IMPULS TRIO in Herfølge Kirke, Kirkepladsen 1, 4681 Herfølge
www.herfoelge-kirke.dk www.impulstrio.dk
Sep 22 at 14.30
JENSEN & BUGGE Silkeborg Musikhus
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.jmts.dk
Sep 21 at 12.00-16.40
Fiddle workshop at Lirum Larum Aftenskole, Kildegården, Helligkorsvej 5, 4000 Roskilde
Sep 14
HABADEKUK at Godtfolk Festival, Strien, Lindevej 5, Nordby, 6720 Fanø - with special guest Dwight Lamb!
www.godtfolk.dk www.habadekuk.dk
Sep 5-15
JENSEN & BUGGE DK turné med Dwight Lamb:
Sep 5 at 18.30 Egtved Forsamlingshus, www.egtvedforsamlingshus.dk
Sep 6-7 Højbystævnet near Odense, www.hoejbystaevne.dk
Sep 8 Hagges Musikpub, Tønder, www.hagges.dk
Sep 12 at 20.00 Musikforeningen Drauget, Aksen - Kulturhuset i Asnæs, www.drauget.dk
Sep 13 at 19.30 Concert celebrating the legendary fiddler Evald Thomsen's 100 years birthday. Musicians: Thomas Hedegaard, Bjarke Kolerus, Vagn Dahl Hansen, Dwight Lamb and Karl Skaarup. Heltborg Museum, Skårhøjvej 15, Heltborg, 7760 Hurup
Sep 15 at 19.30 PH Cafeen, Halmtorvet 9A, 1700 Copenhagen W www.phcafeen.dk
August 29 - September 2
JENSEN & BUGGE at Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon festival in Quebec with guitarist Morten Alfred Høirup
www.accordeonmontmagny.com www.mortenalfred.com www.jensen-bugge.dk
July 11 - August 5: HABADEKUK on tour in Canada, www.jproductions.com:
* July 10-14 Winnipeg Folk Festival
* July 16 Moose Jaw Cultural Centre
* July 17 Edmonton Festival Place
* July 19, Artspring, Salt Spring Island
* July 20-21 Vancouver Folk Music Festival
* July 24th The Danish Lutheran Church of Vancouver, B.C.
* July 25-28 Calgary Folk Festival
* July 30 The Danish Lutheran Church of Calgary
* July 31 Kicking Horse Culture
* August 3-5 Canmore Folk Festival
July 4 - 7
HABADEKUK & EMBLA Rudolstadt Festival, Germany
www.tff-rudolstadt.de www.habadekuk.dk www.embladans.dk
June 28 - 30
HABADEKUK Rainforest World Music Festival, Sarawak Cultural Village, 93400 Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia
www.rwmf.net www.habadekuk.dk
June 25 at 17.00
IMPULS TRIO Jam Days Festival at Vintapperstræde, Odense
www.jamdays.dk/navne/impulstrio.html www.impulstrio.dk
June 24
HABADEKUK Jam Days Festival Opening concert with three bands: Ibrahim Electric, Bluebirds & Habadekuk (we play last at 21.00) at Amfiscenen near Brandts Klædefabrik in Odense www.jamdays.dk www.habadekuk.dk
June 21
JENSEN & BUGGE with BAND Evald Thomsen 100 years aniversary concert Teaterbygningen, Bag Haverne 1, 4600 Køge
www.koegespillemand.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
June 20
JENSEN & BUGGE with BAND Evald Thomsen 100 years aniversary concert Jazzhus Dexter, Vindegade 65, 5000 Odense
www.folkclubfyn.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
June 6 - 16
JENSEN & BUGGE on tour in the USA, incl. concerts with Dwight Lamb!
7.-9. Nisswa Stämman, www.nisswastamman.org
10. Barron, Wisconsin
11. The Contended Cow, Northfield, MN www.1001solutionsllc.com/category/contentedcow
12. Danish Windmill Museum Elkhorn, Iowa
14. lunch concert Old Courthouse Museum in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
14. evening concert Viborg, South Dakota
15 Dance and music workshop in Onawa, Iowa
16. Sioux City, South Dakota
May 24th - June 2nd
BALTIC CROSSING on tour in Danmark
Friday 24 at 18/20 Thorøhuse Forsamlingshus, Drejet 7, 5610 Assens, incl dinner! www.thoroehuse.dk
Sunday 26 at 19.30 Tårs Kirke, Tårsvej 16A, Tårs, 4990 Sakskøbing
Monday 27 at 19.00 Egtved Forsamlingshus, Kirkevej 2, 6040 Egtved. Incl dinner, concert and a chance to dance! www.egtvedforsamlingshus.dk
Tuesday 28 at 20.00 Gyngen, Mejlgade 53, 8000 Århus C, www.gyngen.dk
Wednesday 29 at 20.00 Folk Club Fyn, Jazzhus Dexter, Vindegade 65, 5000 Odense www.folkclubfyn.dk
Thursday 30 at 20.00 Folk Roskilde, Gimle, Helligkorsvej 2, 4000 Roskilde www.folkroskilde.dk
Friday 31 at 20.00 Copenhagen Folk Club, Metronomen, Godthåbsvej 33, 2000 Frederiksberg, www.folkclub.dk
Saturday 1 private party on Fanø
Sunday 2 afternoon concert Sønderho Forsamlingshus, Gammel Byvej 8, 6720 Fanø www.soenderho-forsamlingshus.dk
May 25th at 20.00
KARL SKAARUP, MORTEN ALFRED HØIRUP & KRISTIAN BUGGE dance night at Bjergsted Forsamlingshus, Gl. Skovvej 1 A, Bjergsted, 4470 Svebølle
www.bjergstedbal.dk www.mortenalfred.com
May 17 at 19.30
JENSEN & BUGGE dance night at Kulturmaskinen, Farvergården 7, 5000 Odense C. Organized by Folkemusiklauget Fynboerne. Entrance 80 DKK.
www.fynboerne.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
May 4th - 14th
BALTIC CROSSING on tour in Norway
May 6 20:00 Columbi Egg folkemusikklubb, Hotell Augustin, C. Sundts gate 22, Bergen
May 7 Trondheim Folkemusikkpuben at Kieglekroa, Kongens gt. 30 www.folkemusikkpuben.com
May 8 20.00 Lydhagen Studio, Vektargata 3B, 7650 Verdal www.lydhagen.no
May 9 19:00 Oslo Folk: Riksscena for folkemusikk, 0506 Oslo www.oslofolk.blogspot.no
IMPULS TRIO LMS school concert tour:
April 29 (09:00-09:45) Marievangsskolen, 4200 Slagelse
April 29 (10:10-10:55) Marievangsskolen, 4200 Slagelse
April 30 (09:25-10:10) Stillinge Skole, 4200 Slagelse
April 30 (11:40-12:25) Tårnborg Skole, 4220 Korsør
May 1 (09:00-09:45) Flakkebjerg Skole, 4200 Slagelse
May 1 (12:10-12:55) Baggesenskole, 4220 Korsør
May 2 (10:15-11:00) Ruds-Vedby Skole, 4291 Ruds-Vedby
May 3 (08:45-09:30) Rørvig Friskole, 4581 Rørvig
May 3 (10:35-11:20) Odden Skole, 4583 Sjællands Odde
www.lms.dk www.impulstrio.dk
April 30 at 19.30
JENSEN & BUGGE Folk Music in Skagen Kirke, Ved Kirken 2, 9990 Skagen
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.skagenkirke.dk
April 29 at 19.30
JENSEN & BUGGE Folk Music in Jerlev Kirke, Mejslingvej 2A, Jerlev, 7100 Vejle
April 17th - 27
BALTIC CROSSING on tour in England
17 Hollingwood Hub, Derbyshire
18 Alfrick & Lulsley Village Hall, Worcs
19 Shrewley Village Hall, Warks
20 St Thomas Church Centre, Chesterfield, Derbyshire
23 Cumberland Arms, Byker, Tyne & Wear (Newcastle!)
24 Hoby & District Village Hall, Leics
25 Long Whatton Community Centre, Leics
26 Harworth & Bircotes Town Hall, Notts
27 Carlby Village Hall, Lincs
JENSEN & BUGGE LMS school concerts:
Mar 4th (08:50-09:35) Søndermarkskolen, 7100 Vejle
Mar 4th (10:05-10:50) Søndermarkskolen, 7100 Vejle
Mar 5th (08:15-09:00) Grejsdal Skole, 7100 Vejle
Mar 5th (10:00-10:45) Kollerup Skole, 7300 Jelling
Mar 6th (08:50-09:35) Petersmindeskolen, 7100 Vejle
Mar 6th (10:00-10:45) Petersmindeskolen, 7100 Vejle
Mar 7th (08:30-09:15) Firehøjeskolen, Nørup, 7182 Bredsten
Mar 7th (10:25-11:10) Øster Nykirke Skole, 7173 Vonge
Mar 8th (08:45-09:30) Skibet Skole, 7100 Vejle
Mar 8th (10:00-10:45) Skibet Skole, 7100 Vejle
Mar 11th (08:55-09:40) Baunehøjskolen, 4040 Jyllinge
Mar 11th (10:00-10:45) Baunehøjskolen, 4040 Jyllinge
Mar 12th (09:30-10:15) Viften, 2610 Rødovre
Mar 12th (10:30-11:15) Viften, 2610 Rødovre
Mar 13th (08:45-09:30) Lindebjergskolen, 4000 Roskilde
Mar 13th(10:40-11:25) Margretheskolen, 4000 Roskilde
Mar 14th (08:15-09:00) Endrupskolen, 3480 Fredensborg
Mar 14th 09:15-10:00) Endrupskolen, 3480 Fredensborg
Mar 14th (11:00-11:45) Nivå Skole, Syd, 2990 Nivå
Mar 15th (08:15-09:00) Humlebæk Skole, 3050 Humlebæk
Mar 15th (09:15-10:00) Humlebæk Skole, 3050 Humlebæk
www.lms.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
March 5th at 20.00
KARL SKAARUP & KRISTIAN BUGGE concert at Folk Club Mors. Musikværket, Gasværksvej 60, 7900 Nykøbing
March 1st - 3rd
IMPULS TRIO on tour in Germany
Friday the 1st of March at 20.00
Alte Bahnhofshalle, Bahnhofstr. 4 12159 Berlin
Saturday the 2nd of March at 20.00
KulturZentrum BüZ, Minden
Sunday the 3th of March at 19.00
Gasthaus Schaaf, Ritterstrasse 8, 42659 Solingen
February 23rd
JENSEN & BUGGE workshops and dance night at the youth weekend in Ans By near Viborg.
February 20th at 15.00
Concert with Arne Würgler and Sine Bach Rüttel for Københavns Lærerforening at Islands Brygge Skole, Artillerivej 57 på Islands Brygge
JENSEN & BUGGE LMS school concerts:
Feb 18th (09:00-09:45) Skolecenter Toftlund, 6520 Toftlund
Feb 18th (10:15-11:00) Skolecenter Toftlund, 6520 Toftlund
Feb 19th (08:35-09:20) Fjordskolen, 6200 Aabenraa
Feb 19th (10:10-10:55) Stubbæk Skole, 6200 Aabenraa
Feb 20th (08:10-08:55) Lyreskovskolen - afd. Vest, 6330 Padborg
www.lms.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
February 16th 13.00
IMPULS TRIO with friends at Strib Vinterfestival: Matilda Tjelldén, Jonas Dahl and the dance group Embla.
www.strib-vinterfestival.dk www.impulstrio.dk
February 15th
HABADEKUK at Esbo kulturcentrum, Louhisalen, Kulturplatsen 2, 02100 Esbo, Finland
www.esbo.fi/kulturcentrum www.habadekuk.dk
February 13th
HABADEKUK in Koski, Finland
February 9th
HABADEKUK at Huset i Magstræde, Rådhusstræde 13, 1466 København K
www.habadekuk.dk www.huset-kbh.dk
Febaruary 8th 20.00
HABADEKUK at Industrien in Aarup on the Island of Fyn
www.habadekuk.dk www.raastof-industrien.dk
February 2nd
JENSEN & BUGGE at the Island of Bornholm
www.musikhuzet.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
January 25th
HABADEKUK at Midtjysk Folkemusikfestival, Rampelys i Silkeborg
www.habadekuk.dk www.midtjyskfolkemusikfestival.dk
January 19th 20.00
STEEN JAGD, MALENE D. BECK & KRISTIAN BUGGE spiller til bal i Århus Folkemusikhus på Viborgvej 53, 8210 Århus V
www.aafmh.dk Hear a little taster here!
January 14th 19.00
IMPULS TRIO at WinterCoat Brewery near Århus. Grønvej 51, 8471 Sabro, Denmark. Tel: (+45) 8619 6660
www.wintercoat.dk www.impulstrio.dk
IMPULS TRIO LMS school concerts:
Jan 14th (09:00-09:45) Strandskolen, 8240 Risskov
Jan 14th (10:05-10:50) Strandskolen, 8240 Risskov
Jan 14th (12:10-12:55) Hårup Skole, 8530 Hjortshøj
Jan 15th (09:00-09:45) Hasle Skole, 8210 Aarhus V
Jan 16th (08:35-09:20) Jebjerg Skole, 7870 Roslev
Jan 16th (11:00-11:45) Krabbeshus Heldagsskole, 7800 Skive
Jan 17th (08:00-08:45) Tarm Skole, 6880 Tarm
Jan 17th (09:00-09:45) Tarm Skole, 6880 Tarm
Jan 18th (08:15-09:00) Hvide Sande Skole, 6960 Hvide Sande
www.lms.dk www.impulstrio.dk
January 1st - 4th
Teaching with JESPER VINTHER, the workshop days for folk musicians at the great Snoghøj Højskole near Fredericia.
More info via Dorthe Linde Jørgensen: trut@klarinetten.dk or tel +45 9846 9083
December 9th 16.00
JENSEN & BUGGE in Skt Lukas Church in Århus
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.sktlukaskirke.dk
December 7th 16.30
MORTEN ALFRED HØIRUP, SONNICH LYDOM & KRISTIAN BUGGE at Klaverfabrikken, Fredensvej 12A, 3400 Hillerød.
www.mortenalfred.com www.sonnichlydom.dk www.klaverfabrikken.dk
December 5th 15.30
JV Film & TV, the publishing house Knakken and Thy Folkemusik celebrated the movie premiere: Spillemanden (the musician) – a film about Karl Skaarup in Kino Thisted, Denmark
The movie has English subtitles and can be ordered here: www.knakken.dk
December 1st
KARL SKAARUP, MORTEN ALFRED HØIRUP & KRISTIAN BUGGE Workshop, debate and concert followed by dance night at Skørping Skole, Himmerlandsvej 65, 9520 Skørping
kl. 10.00 – 16.00 workshops
kl 18.00 dinner, concert and dance
www.folkemusikskole.dk/trio.html www.myspace.com/karlskaarup www.mortenalfred.com
November 30th 19.30
KARL SKAARUP, MORTEN ALFRED HØIRUP & KRISTIAN BUGGE dance night at Teaterbygningen, Bag Haverne 1, 4600 Køge, organized by Køge Spillemandsforening.
www.koegespillemand.dk www.mortenalfred.com www.myspace.com/karlskaarup
November 24th
Aniversary celebration at Halkær Kro, playing with SONNICH LYDOM, MORTEN ALFRED HØIRUP, JAMIE FOX & BENT MELVEJ.
www.halkaer.dk www.mortenalfred.com www.sonnichlydom.dk
November 25th
Danish Music Award Folk at Copenhagen Jazzhouse, Niels Hemmingsens Gade 10, Copenhagen. JENSEN & BUGGE received the Traditional Award of the year!!!
www.folkemusik.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
November 18th 10.00
JENSEN & BUGGE in Tingsted Kirke on the Island of Falster
November 10th
KARL SKAARUP & KRISTIAN BUGGE dance night at Hørdum Kro in the northern region of Thy. It starts with a great dinner at the Inn.
November 9th
IMPULS TRIO and Embla at the Hilmar Festivalen in Norway
www.impulstrio.dk www.hilmarfestivalen.no www.embladans.dk
November 4th at 13.00
JENSEN & BUGGE at Huset, Hasserisgade 10, 9000 Aalborg
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.huset.dk
November 3rd at 19.30
KARL SKAARUP, MORTEN ALFRED HØIRUP & KRISTIAN BUGGE dance night at Ellegården, Stavnsholtvej 168, 3520 Farum.
www.farumfolkedansere.dk www.mortenalfred.com www.myspace.com/karlskaarup
October 30th
Radio interview and live music at the Nordic Roots and Branches show in Seattle, U.S., with host Karen Payley. It can be heard online for 2 weeks, click here! and select Tuesday, October 30th and scroll down until 8:30 PM. - Incl. trad music from Dwight Lamb, from Læsø and Fanø and new tunes by Morten Alfred Høirup and Kristian Bugge.
October 27th
Dance night at the Scandinavian Community Centre in Vancouver.
October 17th - 21st
HABADEKUK at Womex in Thessaloniki, Greece
www.habadekuk.dk www.womex.com
October 13th
HABADEKUK at Linköpings Folkmusik Festival, Sweden
www.habadekuk.dk www.festival.folkmusik.nu
October 11th at 18.30
PETER EGET & KRISTIAN BUGGE "HABADEDUO" dance evening and workshop about the Sønderhoning dance at Vattentorget in Växjö, Sweden
October 6th
BALTIC CROSSING at Vaasa Folk Festival in Finland
www.vasafolk.fi www.balticcrossing.com
October 5th at 20.00
IMPULS TRIO concert at Brenderup Højskoles Musikforening, Brenderup Højskole, Stationsvej 54, Brenderup, the Island of Funen
www.impulstrio.dk www.b-h-m.dk
September 28th at 19.30
KENNETH KARK, IVAN DAMGAARD, ESBEN WOLF & KRISTIAN BUGGE dance night with Læsø music at Teaterbygningen, Bag Haverne 1, 4600 Køge. Organized by Køge Spillemandsforening. www.koegespillemand.dk
September 29th at 19.30
KARL SKAARUP, MORTEN ALFRED HØIRUP & KRISTIAN BUGGE dance night at Trekanten, Sebbersundvej 2A, 9220 Aalborg East
www.dansogspil.nordjyskeklubber.dk www.mortenalfred.com www.myspace.com/karlskaarup
September 23rd 13:00 - 16:40
DANCE WORKSHOP in Roskilde with the theme "Dances from Sealand". Henrik Larsen teaches and Kristian Bugge is playing
September 23rd at 10.30
DANSK DANSEDOKTRIN in Højby Sj. Church: Per Darger: violin, Morten Nygaard: accordion, Kristian Bugge: violin
September 22nd all day!
SONNICH LYDOM, PETER EGET, MALENE D. BECK & KRISTIAN BUGGE workshops and dance night in Roskilde with music from the island of Fanø. Organised by Lirum Larum
www.lirumlarum.dk www.sonnichlydom.dk
September 14th
IMPULS TRIO Toreby Forsamlingsgård, Torebyvej 46, 4891 Toreby Lolland
September 7th + 8th
Playing with HABADEKUK, Karl Skaarup, Malene D. Beck, Steen Jagd, EMBLA and IMPULS TRIO at Højbystævnet south of Odense, Denmark
www.hoejbystaevne.dk www.habadekuk.dk www.myspace.com/karlskaarup www.embladans.dk www.impulstrio.dk
August 23 - 26
HABADEKUK at Tønder Festival, Denmark
August 17th
HABADEKUK at Festival des Traversées Tatihou, Normandie, France
August 4th + 5th
HABADEKUK at Roskilde Spillemandsstævne, Denmark
August 3rd
HABADEKUK at Guinness Irish Festival, Sion, Switzerland
July 30th - Aug 2nd
Sounds of the north Festival in Gdansk, Poland. Dance Workshops, Danish dances.
July 29th
HABADEKUK at WOMAD, BBC Radio 3 Stage, England
July 28th + 29th
HABADEKUK at Cambridge Folk Festival, England
www.cambridgefolkfestival.co.uk www.habadekuk.dk
July 27th
BALTIC CROSSING at the Korrö Folkmusik Festival, Sweden
www.balticcrossing.com www.korrofestivalen.se
July 27th
Solo violin at at the Korrö Folkmusik Festival, Sweden
July 19th - 22nd
HABADEKUK at Mission Folk Festival, British Columbia, Canada
www.missionfolkmusicfestival.ca www.habadekuk.dk
July 12th at 22.00
BALTIC CROSSING at the Dampsaga Kulturhus at Nordlek, Steinkjer, Norway
http://nordlek.no/program2/?lang=en www.balticcrossing.com
July 10th - 15th
JENSEN & BUGGE Nordlek, Steinkjer, Norway
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.nordlek.no
July 1st - 8th
JENSEN & BUGGE in Seattle, USA at the Festival of American Fiddle Tunes with DWIGHT LAMB
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.centrum.org/fiddle/ft-concerts.html
June 28th - 30th
JENSEN & BUGGE in Iowa and Nebraska, USA concerts and workshops with DWIGHT LAMB
June 26th - 28th
HABADEKUK at North Atlantic Fiddle Conference in Derry and Donegal, Ireland.
www.nafco2012.com www.habadekuk.dk
June 17th
HABADEKUK at The Big Session Festival in England
www.bigsessionfestival.com www.habadekuk.dk
June 16th
HABADEKUK at the Beverley Festival in England
www.beverleyfestival.com www.habadekuk.dk
June 14th
HABADEKUK at Huset, Hasserisgade 10, 9000 Aalborg.
www.huset.dk www.habadekuk.dk
June 8th
IMPULS TRIO in Castellón (near Valencia), Spain
June 6th 16.00 to 17.30
KARL SKAARUP & KRISTIAN BUGGE playing for "Thy i København" in cantral Copenhagen, Frederiksberggade 23, 1459 København K
June 3rd
JENSEN & BUGGE at the Bagsværd Folkemusikfestival/Aldershvilestævne
www.aldershvilestaevnet.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
June 2nd
HABADEKUK at the Folk Roskilde's 40-years anniversary celebration, concert at Gimle in Roskilde!
www.folkroskilde.dk www.habadekuk.dk
June 1st
HABADEKUK at the Halkær Festival
www.habadekuk.dk www.halkaer.dk
May 28th at 19.30
HABADEKUK in TIVOLI, Pavillonen, 1630 København V, Tel: +45 3315 1001 - the concert is included in the entrance to Tivoli!!!
www.tivoli.dk www.habadekuk.dk
May 27th at 10.30
JENSEN & BUGGE folk music themed church service at Sakskøbing Kirke, Kirkestræde 2, Sakskøbing on the Island of Lolland
May 25th -27th
Workshop-weekend i the northern region of Thy with Kenneth Krak and Karl Skaarup teaching the local music and dance, incl. dance night Saturday at Hørdum Gl. Skole!
May 20th at 09.30
JENSEN & BUGGE folk music themed church service at Nysted Kirke, Østergade 24, Nysted on Lolland.
May 18th at 21.30
BALTIC CROSSING at the North Sea Folk & Shanty Festival in Blankenberge, Belgium.
May 12th
HABADEKUK double concert with KARL SKAARUP and SVØBSK in Hørdum, Thy
May 11th
HABADEKUK concert and dance at Den Rytmiske Efterskole in Båring on Vestern Funen.
www.habadekuk.dk www.rytmiskefterskole.dk
May 3rd - 6th
BALTIC CROSSING at the fantastic Shetland Folk Festival
www.shetlandfolkfestival.com www.balticcrossing.com
April 16th - 30th
BALTIC CROSSING on tour in Sweden
wed 18 at 19.00 Hovmantorps Folkets Hus
thurs 19 at 19.00 Stockholm, Beckis
fri 20 at 21.00 Tingshuset, Delsbo
sat 21 at 19.00 Folkmusikens Hus Rättvik (DalFolk)
sun 22 at 18.00 Gävle Konserthus
mon 23 at 19.00 Älmhult: Folkets hus
wed 25 at 20.00 Urshult: Ladan
thurs 26 at 19.00 Ljungby: Grand
fri 27 at 19.00 Växjö: Palladium
sun 29 at 16.00 Alstermo: Folkets hus
Musik i Syd
Musik Gävleborg
April 13th at 13-15
Solo fiddle in Latinerhaven, Roskilde, as a part of the Roskilde city cultur project, Kulturstrøget
April 4th at 19.30
KARL SKAARUP, MORTEN ALFRED HØJRUP & KRISTIAN BUGGE dance night at Kulturmaskinen, Odense
www.fynboerne.dk www.mortenalfred.com www.myspace.com/karlskaarup
March 31st at 20.00
JENSEN & BUGGE BAND double concert with Spælimenninir (including Kristian Blak from the Faroe Islands) at Halkær Kro
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.halkaer.dk
March 29th at 21.00
IMPULS TRIO in Århus at Café Pustervig, Rosensgade 21, 8000 Århus C
March 26th at 20.00
Played two solo pieces with the amzing house band (Gustaf Ljunggren, Emil de Waal & Dan Hemmer) at DJBFA's prize party in the Betty Nansen Theater, Copenhagen.
March 23rd at 19.30
JENSEN & BUGGE dance night in Odense organized by Fynboerne
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.fynboerne.dk
March 24th at 20.00
STEEN JAGD, MALENE D. BECK & KRISTIAN BUGGE dance night in Bjergsted Forsamlingshus
IMPULS TRIO on tour around Denmark:
* March 8th at 20.00 Bartof Café, Nordre Fasanvej 46, 2000 Frederiksberg (Copenhagen), entrance 50 DKK, www.bartofcafe.dk
* March 9th at 22.15 Folkets Hus Spilletræf i Vanløse Cirkusbygning (Copenhagen), Skjulhøj Alle 21, 2720 Vanløse www.spillefolk.dk
* March 10th at 19.00 Folkemusiksammenslutningens (FMS) Generalforsamling på Mimeteatret, Vestergade 95B, 5000 Odense. www.mimeteatret.dk www.fms-net.dk
* March 14th at 20.30 Lirum Larums Wednesday-café, på Absalons Skole, Absalonsgade 2, 4000 Roskilde www.lirumlarum.dk
* March 15th at 21.30 Gyngen, Mejlgade 53, 8000 Århus C, tel +45 8619 2255, entrance 70 DKK. www.gyngen.dk
www.impulstrio.dk og www.facebook.com/impulstrio
March 4th 13:00 - 16:40
DANCE WORKSHOP in Roskilde with thew theme "7 ways to dance a polka". Henrik Larsen teaches the dance and Kristian Bugge plays the music!
March 3rd 19.30
JENSEN & BUGGE dance night in Copenhagen's folk music house!
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.kfmh.dk
March 2nd
JENSEN & BUGGE dance night at Muslingehuset, Bjerrevej 55, Tanderupkjær, 7400 Herning
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.bjerrely.dk
February 29th 19.30 - 20.30
Short theme around Fandango, Henrik Larsen teaches the dance, Kriatian Bugge plays the music on Absalons Skole in Roskilde
February 25th
IMPULS TRIO at the Nordklang Festival, St. Gallen, Switzerland
www.nordklang.ch www.impulstrio.dk
Februar 21st at 19.30
PETER EGET & KRISTIAN BUGGE dance night at Snoldelev Sognegård, Snoldelev Bygade 21, 4621 Gadstrup arranged by Ramsø Folkedansere og Spillemandslaug!
February 18th at 13.30
HABADEKUK with Deas and Alan Klitgaard at Strib Vinter Festival
www.habadekuk.dk www.strib-vinterfestival.dk
February 10th - 12th
January 29th at 13:00 - 16:40
DANCE WORKSHOP in Roskilde with the theme KONTRASEJRE. Henrik Larsen teaches the dance and Kristian Bugge plays the music! Organized by Musikaftenskolen Lirum Larum!
January 28th - 29th
Dance course for Danske Folkedansere, with the teachers Birthe Jørgensen (dansesild@hotmail.com), Christian Obel (sm.obel@gmail.com) and Martin Myhr from Norway. www.folkedans.dk
January 27th at 19.30
SONNICH LYDOM, PETER EGET, NIKOLAJ BUSK & KRISTIAN BUGGE Fanø-dance-night in Køge at Teaterbygningen, Bag Haverne 1, 4600 Køge
www.koegespillemand.dk www.sonnichlydom.dk
January 21stat 19.30
JENSEN & BUGGE dance night at Trekanten in Aalborg.
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.dansogspil.nordjyskeklubber.dk
January 20that 20.00
CHRISTOPHER DAVIS MAACK, PETER EGET & KRISTIAN BUGGE dance night at the Frøbel seminariet, arranged by Frederiksberg Folkemusikhus
January 13th - 14th
BALTIC CROSSING at Folklandia, an amazing festival on the ferry between Vaasa, Finland and Stockholm, Sweden!
January 10th - 12th
BALTIC CROSSING in the studio in Finland, recording for a new CD!
January 1st - 4th
Workshops for folk musicians at the Snoghøj Højskole near Fredericiatogether with JESPER VINTHER from IMPULS TRIO.
www.jespervinther.dk www.spillemandskredsen.dk
December 30th
DANSKE DANSEDOKTRIN; Morten Nygård on accordion, Leon Hegelund on guitar, Per Darger and Kristian Bugge on fiddles dance night in Bjergsted, Sealand.
December 21st at 19.00
JENSEN & BUGGE BAND is ending this aniversary-year with a Christmas concert in Vestenskov Kirke, Vestenskov Kirkevej 1A, 4900 Nakskov on the Island of Lolland!
December 18th from 15 to 17
HABADEKUK at the Viking Ship Museum,Vindeboder 12, 4000 Roskilde
"We're proud and happy to invite for another, exciting concert this year! On this day we'll be playing to celebrate the 100 years aniversary of the Danish Musicians Union! The venue is the beautiful and famous Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde and the entrance is free!
www.vikingeskibsmuseet.dk www.habadekuk.dk
December 17th
The big annual christmas party in Roskilde with workshops in music and dancing, concert, christmas dinner, dance night and jamming! Warm welcome!
www.lirumlarum.dk www.fms-net.dk
December 16th at 20.30
HABADEKUK & AYI SOLOMON, percusionist from Ghana, concert at Café Cubanito, Ravnsborggade 19, Copenhagen N.
www.cafecubanito.dk www.habadekuk.dk www.ayi-solomon.com
December 14
Playing for dancing at the wednesday dance-night in Roskilde. Rikke Rasmussen will be leading the dance!
December 2nd
HABADEKUK at the Danis Musicians Union's Christmas party in Copenhagen
www.dmf.dk www.habadekuk.dk
BALTIC CROSSING November-tour in Denmark:
* 18th at 21.00
Halkær Kro, Halkærvej 59, Halkær, 9240 Nibe.
* 19th at 20.00
Thorøhuse Forsamlingshus, Drejet 7, Thorø Huse, 5610 Assens.
* 20th at 20.00
Nørregade Teatret, Banegårdspladsen 1, 4930 Maribo
* 21st at 20.00
Toreby Forsamlingsgård, Torebyvej 46, 4891 Toreby Lolland (dinner from 18.00!)
* 22nd at 19.00
Marjatta, Strandvejen 15, 4733 Tappernøje
* 23rd at 19.30
Brenderup Højskole, Stationsvej 54, 5464 Brenderup
* 24th at 20.00
Dexter, Vindegade 65, 5000 Odense C
* 26th
Hørdum Gl. Skole. Music workshops 10 - 16, concert at 19.30
November 12th
JENSEN & BUGGE with Vagn Dahl Hansen and Bjarke Kolerus, dance workshop anddance night at Klaverfabrikken, Fredensvej 12 A, 3400 Hillerød.
www.klaverfabrikken.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
November 4th at 18.00
KARL SKAARUP & KRISTIAN BUGGE dance night at Hørdum Kro in the northern region of Thy. It started with a great dinner at the Inn, food and dancing.
IMPULS TRIO LMS school concerts tour:
Oct. 31st (08:30 - 09:15) Hellevad Skole, 6230 Rødekro
Oct. 31st (11:45 - 12:30) Hovslund Børneunivers, 6230 Rødekro
Nov. 1st (08:45 - 09:30) Bolderslev Skole, 6392 Bolderslev
Nov. 1st (11:10 - 11:55) Tinglev Skole, 6360 Tinglev
Nov. 2nd (09:00 - 09:45) Høje Kolstrup Skole, 6200 Aabenraa
Nov. 2nd (11:45 - 12:30) Frøslev-Padborg Skole, 6330 Padborg
www.lms.dk www.impulstrio.dk
October 30th 13:00 - 16:40
DANCE WORKSHOP in Roskilde with the theme of HOPSA. Henrik Larsen is teaching and Kristian Bugge is playing! Warm welcome!
October 29th
HABADEKUK are playing at the great event Danish Music Award Folk at Aveny T, Frederiksberg in Copenhagen, the band came home with two beautiful awards: "DANISH FOLK ALBUM OF THE YEAR" and "DANISH FOLK ARTIST OF THE YEAR"!!!
www.habadekuk.dk www.folkemusik.dk
October 28 at 19.45
JENSEN & BUGGE BAND at Globenhagen - off womex showcase concert!
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.globenhagen.dk
October 27th
HABADEKUK at Klaverfabrikken for the Play Danish Day, Fredensvej 12 A, 3400 Hillerød.
www.habadekuk.dk www.klaverfabrikken.dk
October 26th - 29th
WOMEX in Copenhagen. HABADEKUK are there at the expo stand K15, we'll welcome you with coffee and a snack and schnaps!
www.womex.com www.habadekuk.dk Virtual Womex
Oct 20th
JENSEN & BUGGE Folk & Food at Truust Kro, Truust Gade 17, Truust, 8882 Fårvang near Silkeborg.
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.truustkro.dk
Oct 11th at 19:00
HABADEKUK at Nordfyns Musikforening and at Nordfyns Gymnasium 11:00 AM
www.nordfynsmusikforening.dk www.habadekuk.dk
October 8th 20:00
HABADEKUK concert at Musikforeningen Drauget, Kulturhuset Aksen, Centervejen 92, 4550 Asnæs
www.habadekuk.dk www.drauget.dk
October 7th
JENSEN & BUGGE dance night at Marielyst Højskole on the Island of Falster
IMPULS TRIO LMS school concerts tour:
Oct 6th (08:15 - 09:00) Fællesskolen Favrdal - Fjeldstrup, Favredal, 6100 Haderslev
Oct 6th (10:35 - 11:20) Fællesskolen Bregnbjerg - Povlsbjerg, Bregnbjerg, 6500 Vojens
Oct 6th (12:05 - 12:50) Fællesskolen Bregnbjerg - Povlsbjerg, Bregnbjerg, 6500 Vojens
Oct 7th (08:30 - 09:15) Fællesskolen Starup - Øsby, 6100 Haderslev
Oct 7th (11:35 - 12:20) Fællesskolen Starup - Øsby, 6100 Haderslev
www.lms.dk www.impulstrio.dk
Oct 6th at 20:00
JENSEN & BUGGE doubel-concert with CHANNE NUSSBAUM DUO as a part of the WorldNordicXchange Festival 2011 at Kulturhuset Pavillonen, Kærvej 11, 8500 Grenaa http://admin.pavillonen.kulturbillet.dk/salg/ www.jensen-bugge.dk www.nussbaum.dk
October 2nd - 4th
JENSEN & BUGGE at the "Musik i tide Festival" in Roskilde
www.musikitide.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
JENSEN & BUGGE LMS School concerts tour:
Sep. 19th (08:45 - 09:30) Tjæreborg Skole, 6731 Tjæreborg
Sep. 19th (10:45 - 11:30) Kvaglundskolen, 6705 Esbjerg Ø
Sep. 20th (08:20 - 09:05) Nørremarkskolen, 6760 Ribe
Sep. 20th (10:55 - 11:40) Gørding Skole, 6690 Gørding
Sep. 21st (08:50 - 09:35) Vittenbergskolen, 6760 Ribe
Sep. 21st (10:25 - 11:10) Vadehavsskolen, 6790 Ribe
Sep. 22nd (08:55 - 09:40) Jels Skole, 6630 Rødding
Sep. 22nd (10:10 - 10:55) Jels Skole, 6630 Rødding
Sep. 23rd (08:30 - 09:15) Brørup Skole, 6650 Brørup
Sep. 23rd (09:40 - 10:25) Brørup Skole, 6650 Brørup
Sep. 26th (08:50 - 09:35) Mørdrupskolen, 3060 Espergærde
Sep. 26th (09:55 - 10:40) Mørdrupskolen, 3060 Espergærde
Sep. 27th (08:50 - 09:35) Grydemoseskolen, 3060 Espergærde
Sep. 27th (09:55 - 10:40) Grydemoseskolen, 3060 Espergærde
Sep. 28th (08:45 - 09:30) Sct. Nicolai Skole, 4600 Køge
Sep. 28th (10:00 - 10:45) Sct. Nicolai Skole, 4600 Køge
Sep. 29th (08:50 - 09:35) Hastrupskolen, 4600 Køge
Sep. 29th (09:55 - 10:40) Hastrupskolen, 4600 Køge
Sep. 30th (08:45 - 09:30) Højelse Skole, 4623 Lille Skensved
Sep. 30th (10:35 - 11:20) Vemmedrupskolen, 4632 Bjæverskov
www.lms.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
September 25th at 10.30
DANSKE DANSEDOKTRIN; Morten Nygård on accordion, Leon Hegelund on guitar, Per Darger and Kristian Bugge on fiddles music-service in the church in Højby on Sealand, 4573 Højby.
IMPULS TRIO LMS school concert s tour:
Sep. 12th (08:45 - 09:30) Langhøjskolen, 8961 Allingåbro
Sep. 12th (11:00 - 11:45) Djurslandsskolen, 8586 Ørum Djurs
Sep. 13th (08:50 - 09:35) Hvidbjerg Skole, 7960 Karby
Sep. 13th (12:00 - 12:45) Dueholmskolen, 7900 Nykøbing M
Sep. 14th (08:45 - 09:30) Tingstrup Skole, 7700 Thisted
Sep. 14th (11:10 - 11:55) Nors skole, 7700 Thisted
Sep. 15th (08:45 - 09:30) Bjergby-Mygdal Skole, 9800 Hjørring
Sep. 15th (12:00 - 12:45) Bagterpskolen, 9800 Hjørring
Sep. 16th Øster Hornum Skole, 9530 Støvring
Sep. 16th (08:45 - 09:30) Nr. Uttrup Skole, 9400 Nørresundby
www.lms.dk www.impulstrio.dk
Sep 6th at 19.30
Musikcafé at Sognegaarden, Nordgaardsvej 4 in Svogerslev with accordion player Morten Nygaard.
Sep 4th at 20.00
DWIGHT LAMB, JENSEN & BUGGE concert at Højskolen in Marielyst, Bøtøvej 2, 4873 Væggerløse on the Island fo Falster
September 4th at 14.00
DWIGHT LAMB, JENSEN & BUGGE concert at Vartov, Farvergade 27, 1463 København K
September 3rd at 20.00 "Forsamlingshuset"
DWIGHT LAMB, JENSEN & BUGGE at the Højby Stævne near Odense.
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.hoejbystaevne.dk
September 3rd 10-15.00 "Højby School"
JENSEN & BUGGE music workshop with focus on Dwight Lamb's repertoire at the Højby Stævne near Odense.
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.hoejbystaevne.dk
September 3rd at 01.00 "Lillested"
IMPULS TRIO at the Højby Stævne near Odense.
www.impulstrio.dk www.hoejbystaevne.dk
September 2nd at 22.00 "Lillested"
VAGN DAHL, JENSEN & BUGGE at the Højby Stævne near Odense.
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.hoejbystaevne.dk
September 2nd at 20.00 "Bakkegården"
DWIGHT LAMB, JENSEN & BUGGE concert at the Højby Stævne near Odense.
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.hoejbystaevne.dk
September 1st at 19.30
DWIGHT LAMB, KARL SKAARUP, JENSEN & BUGGE concert at Hørdum Gl. Skole in Thy.
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.myspace.com/karlskaarup
August 30th at 19.30
DWIGHT LAMB, JENSEN & BUGGE Vor Frue Kirke, Frue Kirkeplads 3, 8000 Aarhus C
August 27th - 28th
DWIGHT LAMB, JENSEN & BUGGE at Tønder Festival.
Saturday 27 august 13:00 THE OLD WATERMILL
Saturday 27 august 20:00 TØNDER MUSEUM
Sunday 28 august 13:00 TENT 1 + TENT 2
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.tf.dk
August 26th at 5PM
DWIGHT LAMB, JENSEN & BUGGE CD launch at the Tønder Festival! Finally Dwight, Mette and Kristian are meeting up in Denmark again, that is something to celebrate! One of the celebrations will be at the Danish Radio's P4 Jam-tent, right next to the entrance to the festival area. There the new CD, "Dwight Lamb, Jensen & Bugge live in Denmark 2010" will be officially released. The music was recorded during Dwight's first ever visit in Denmark last year in May.
We will play a short concert, offer some other good/tasty surprises and a chance to get a signed copy of the new CD!
www.gofolk.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
August 20th at 15.00
JENSEN & BUGGE BAND at Musikgalleriet, Mariehaven near Ansager, Jutland, Denmark.
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.musikgalleriet.dk
August 5th - 7th
KINGS OF POLKA at the PolkaBeats Festival on the border between Germany and Poland.
www.myspace.com/kingsofpolka www.polkabeats.de
August 4th
HABADEKUK at Huset, Hasserisgade 11, 9000 Aalborg. Double concert with Djurslandspillemændene.
www.huset.dk www.habadekuk.dk
July 16th at 14.00
WENZELL & BUGGE concert at Kongegården, Algade 25, 4220 Korsør, free entrance!!!
July 9th - 10th Bordunstämma
Lövsta Bruk, Uppland, Sverige
July 1st - 3rd Skagen Festival
Friday July the 1st at 17.15 JENSEN & BUGGE BAND at Havnescenen
Saturday juli the 2nd at 14.15 JENSEN & BUGGE BAND at Torvescenen
Saturday juli the 2nd at 17.15 HABADEKUK at Havnescenen
Sunday juli the 3rd at 11.30 HABADEKUK at Havnescenen
May 26th - June 12th
JENSEN & BUGGE on tour in the USA (the Midwest), concerts with Dwight Lamb, more info here!
May 22nd
BALTIC CROSSING concert at The Sage Gateshead, St Mary's Square.
May 20th
HABADEKUK at Odense Folk Festival, including release of the new CD "Hopsadaddy"!!!
www.habadekuk.dk www.odensefolkfestival.dk
May 19th
BALTIC CROSSING concert at Birmingham Symphony Hall. www.myspace.com/balticcrossing
May 2nd at 19.30
BALTIC CROSSING concert in Vienna Konzerthaus, Vienna. www.myspace.com/balticcrossing
April 30th at 20.00
BALTIC CROSSING concert in Laeiszhalle, Elbphilharmonie Konzerte Hamburg. www.myspace.com/balticcrossing
April 29th at 16.30
JENSEN & BUGGE BAND featuring Morten Alfred Høirup, Bjarke Kolerus and Thomas Hedegaard at Klaverfabrikken in Hillerød
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.klaverfabrikken.dk
April 20th at 19.30
Dance night with KARL SKAARUP in Odense, at Rosenbæk Huset, Rosenbæk Torv, 5000 Odense C, arranged by Fynboerne
www.fynboerne.dk www.myspace.com/karlskaarup
April 16th
JENSEN & BUGGE celebrated their first ten years with a big aniversary party in Hørdum (Thy), Northern Jutland. Including music workshop from 10-16 and concert and dancing from 19.30. Special guests took part: Vegar Vårdal from Norway (fiddle), Anders Larsson from Sweden (vocal), Morten Alfred Høirup (guitar and vocal), Bjarke Kolerus (clarinet), Sonnich Lydom (harmonica), Rasmus Henriksen (trombone), Thomas Hedegaard (double bass)! A big thank to Jakob Oschlag and Hørdum Kulturlandsby for putting it all together!!! www.jensen-bugge.dk
April 15th at 19.30
JENSEN & BUGGE dance night in Holstebro, Danmarksgade. www.jensen-bugge.dk
April 13th
JENSEN & BUGGE at Audonicon, Grønnedalsvej 14, 8660 Skanderborg. www.audonicon.dk
April 6th - 10th
JENSEN & BUGGE BAND, featuring Morten Alfred Høirup, Bjarke Kolerus and Thomas Hedegaard at the FolkBALTICA Festival in Northern Germany/ Southern Denmark. CD release, the aniversary album "Sea & land, - 10 years with Danish Traditional Music" will be released here!
www.jensen-bugge.dk www.folkbaltica.de
April 2nd
JENSEN & BUGGE dance night at Copenhagen's Folkemusikhus www.jensen-bugge.dk www.kfmh.dk
April 1st 19.00
BALTIC CROSSING concert in Konserthuset, Stockholm. www.myspace.com/balticcrossing
March 17th - 27th
BALTIC CROSSING Village Hall Tour in England:
* 17th Long Clawson Village Hall Long, Clawson
* 18th Hungarton Village Hall, Hungarton, Leicester
* 19th The Fold, Bransford, Worcester
* 23rd Imperial Ballroom, Grosvenor House Hotel, Skegness
* 24th The Terry O'Toole Theatre, North Hykeham, Lincolnshire
* 25th Chilwell Road Methodist Church Beeston, Nottingham
* 26th Gringley on the hill Village Hall, Gringley on the hill, Nottingham
* 27th Norwell Village Hall, Newark, Nottingham
March 16th 20.15
BALTIC CROSSING concert in Concertgebouw Amsterdam. www.myspace.com/balticcrossing
March 13th 11.00
BALTIC CROSSING concert at Bozar Salle Henry Le Boeuf in Brussells. www.myspace.com/balticcrossing
March 11th at 21.00
BALTIC CROSSING concert in Tartu, Estonia www.myspace.com/balticcrossing
March 4th - 6th
KINGS OF POLKA at Midtvinterdansen in Verdal, Norway. www.midtvinterdansen.no www.myspace.com/kingsofpolka
February 23rd 19.00-20.30
CD release with ROSKILDE SPILLEMANDSLAUG at Kildegården, Helligkorsvej 5 in Roskilde www.lirumlarum.dk
February 22nd at 19.30
Dance night with PETER EGET at Snoldelev sognegård, Snoldelev Bygade 21, 4621 Gadstrup. Great dances, chosen by Helle Larsen and Henrik Larsen, Arranged by Ramsø Folkedanserforening and Ramsø Spillemandslaug. Entrance: 75 kr.
February 13th at 13.00 - 16.40
DANCE WORKSHOP ABOUT TRADITIONAL LINEDANCES with Henrik Larsen at Gråbrødre skole in Roskilde, lok. 24. Prize: kr. 95,- Arranged by Aftenskolen Lirum Larum
February 11th at 19.30
JENSEN & BUGGE dance at Broby Gl. Skole, Suserupvej 55, 4180 Sorø on the Island of Sealand.
www.bgsbroby.dk www.jensen-bugge.dk
February 10th at 19.30
WENZELL & BUGGE concert in Hvidbjerg Kirke, Nørregade 21, Hvidbjerg, 7790 Thyholm www.folkeslag.dk
February 9th at 19.30
WENZELL & BUGGE concert in Hulsig Kirke, Hulsigvej 2, Hulsig, 9990 Skagen. www.folkeslag.dk
February 6th at 16.00
WENZELL & BUGGE concert in Skt. Thomas Kirke, Rolighedsvej 16, 1958 Frederiksberg. www.folkeslag.dk
February 3rd at 21.00
BALTIC CROSSING concert at L'Auditori in Barcelona.
January 28th at 19.30
REEL AROUND THE NORTH SEA, at the Celtic Connections festival in Glasgow, Skotland www.celticconnections.com
January 23rd at 15.00
IMPULS TRIO concert at Musikhuzet Bornholm, Store Torv 6, 3700 Rønne www.musikhuzet.dk
January 22nd
With PETER EGET and CHRISTOPHER DAVIS MAACK dance at Frederiksberg Folkemusikhus, Frøbelsseminariet, Grundtvigsvej 11, 1864 Frederiksberg C in Copenhagen. www.ffmh.dk
January 14th - 16th
Teaching with JESPER VINTHER, KENNETH KRAK, STEFFAN SØGAARD SØRENSEN at the DGI workshop weekend in Oksbøl, more info: Lisbeth Warming, tel +45 7536 8171
January 13th
BALTIC CROSSING concert at the Philharmonie (Salle de Musique de Chambre) in Luxembourg.
January 12th
BALTIC CROSSING concert at Cité de la Musique in Paris.
January 7th - 8th
HABADEKUK at the great Folklandia Festival which is held on the ferry between Turku in Finland and Stockholm in Sweden! www.habadekuk.dk
December 28th
JENSEN & BUGGE playing for the traditional Christmas dance at Højby Forsamlingshus, near Odense. www.jensen-bugge.dk
December 18th
Huge folk music Christmas party in Roskilde!!! Arranged in a great coorporation between folk music organisations! www.fms-net.dk www.lirumlarum.dk
December 15th
BALTIC CROSSING concert in Athens Concert Hall, Greece. www.balticcrossing.com
November 26th
Host of the jam session and composer of the night at the Koldbrand Festival at Kulturhuset Islands Brygge in Copenhagen. www.klubkoldbrand.dk
November 21st at 14.30
IMPULS TRIO concert in Silkeborg www.impulstrio.dk
November 20th
Double concert with HABADEKUK and KARL SKAARUP at the culture house in Arden, Northern Jutland
www.habadekuk.dk www.kulturhusetiarden.dk
November 19th at 18.00
Dance night with KARL SKAARUP at Hørdum Kro, Nyhåbsvej 2 in Thy. The evening begins with a great dinner at the Kro, order your food at tel +45 97 93 63 07
November 18th at 20.00
IMPULS TRIO concert at Musikværket, Gasværksvej 60, 7900 Nykøbing Mors www.myspace.com/impulstrio www.musikvaerket.dk
November 14th
Playing solo spot at Danish Music Awards on Bremen i Copenhagen!
November 10th - 14th
IMPULS TRIO on tour in Germany, - Berlin, Marburg, Leipzig.. www.impulstrio.dk
November 13th - 15th 2009
HABADEKUK won "best folk-group" at the nordic Championsship in folk music "NORD '09" at Sälens Högfjällshotel in Dalarna, Sweden. www.nord10.com
March 11th 2006
Kristian Bugge recieved two prices at the Danish Music Award - Folk in Tønder! "Danish debut of the year" and "Danish folk instrumentalist of the year"! www.folkemusik.dk